Today’s Japanese Question Vocabulary N2-N3
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Check your Japanese skills with the JPYoKoSo Vocabulary and Grammar Questions!
I put the vocabulary below that be used by this question! Check them after solving this!
Today's Japanese Questions (Vocabulary and Grammar)
積極 / sekkyoku (Popular) | positive, progressive, 正, 正, 적극적, Tích cực, บวก, Positif |
弟 / otouto (JLPT-5) | younger brother, little brother, kid brother, 一个兄弟, 一个兄弟, 동생, Một người anh ,น้องชาย, Saudara laki-laki |
おとなしい / otonashii (JLPT-2) | obedient, docile, quiet, 温顺, 溫順 ,점잖은, Meek, อ่อนโยน, Lemah lembut |
私 / watashi (JLPT-5) | I, me, 我, 我, 내가, Tôi, ผม, Saya |
性格 / seikaku (JLPT-3) | character, personality, disposition, nature, 个性, 個性, 성격, Tính cách, บุคลิกภาพ, Kepribadian |
とても / totemo (JLPT-5) | very, awfully, exceedingly, 很, 很, 매우, Rất, มาก, Sangat |
思う / omou (JLPT-4) | to think, to consider, to believe, 思考, 思考, 생각, Suy nghĩ, ที่จะคิด, Untuk berpikir |
読書 / dokusho (JLPT-3) | reading, 阅读, 閱讀, 독서, Đọc sách, การอ่าน Membaca |
芸術 / geijutsu (JLPT-3) | (fine) art, the arts, 艺术, 藝術, 예술, Nghệ thuật, ศิลปะ, Seni |
鑑賞 / kanshou (JLPT-2) | appreciation (of art, music, poetry, etc.), 升值, 升值, 감상, Đánh giá cao, จักษ์, Apresiasi |
違う / chigau (JLPT-5) | to differ (from), to vary, 要与众不同, 要與眾不同, 다른, Khác biệt, จะแตกต่างกัน, Menjadi berbeda |
スポーツ / supo-tsu (JLPT-5) | sport, sports, 运动, 運動, 스포츠,T hể thao, กีฬา, Olah raga |
積極性 / sekkyokusei (noun) | assertiveness, positiveness, 积极性, 積極性, 적극성, Nhanh nhẹn, ความมั่นใจ, Agresivitas |
活動 / katsudou (JLPT-3) | action, activity, 活动, 活動, 활동, Hoạt động, กิจกรรม, Aktivitas |
引き分け / hikiwake (JLPT-2) | draw (in competition), tie game, 平局, 平局, 무승부, Vẽ, วาด, Gambar |
だが / daga (JLPT-3) | but, however, (and) yet, nevertheless, still, for all that, 但,但, 하지만, Nhưng, แต่, Tapi |
日本 / nihon/nippon (JLPT-3) | Japan, 日本, 日本, 일본, Nhật Bản, ประเทศญี่ปุ่น, Jepang |
チーム / chi-mu (JLPT-3) | team, 一个团队, 一個團隊, 팀, Một đội, ทีมงาน, Sebuah tim |
方 / hou (JLPT-5) | direction, way, side, area (in a particular direction), 如何, 如何, 방법, Người, วิธีการ, Orang |
積極的 / sekkyokuteki (JLPT-3) | positive, assertive, active, proactive, aggressive, 活跃, 活躍, 적극적, Tích cực, กระตือรือร้น, Positif |
攻撃 / kougeki (JLPT-3) | attack, strike, offensive, 攻击, 攻擊, 공격, Tấn công, โจมตี, Serang |
意見 / iken (JLPT-4) | opinion, view, comment, 意见, 意見, 의견, Ý kiến, ความคิดเห็น, Opini |
今 / ima (JLPT-5) | now, the present time, just now, soon, immediately, (one) more, 现在, 現在, 지금, Bây giờ, ตอนนี้, Sekarang |
彼女 / kanojo (JLPT-4) | she, her, 她, 她, 그녀, Cô ấy, เขา, Dia |
欠ける / kakeru (JLPT-3) | to be chipped, to be damaged, to be broken, 被削减, 被削減, 부족, Bị sứt mẻ, ถูกบิ่น, Terkelupas |