Today’s Japanese Question Vocabulary N2-N3
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Check your Japanese skills with the JPYoKoSo Vocabulary and Grammar Questions!
I put the vocabulary below that be used by this question! Check them after solving this!
Today's Japanese Questions (Vocabulary and Grammar)
実は / jitsuha (JLPT-3) | as a matter of fact, by the way, to tell you the truth, to be honest, frankly, 实际上, 實際上, 사실, Trong thực tế, ในความเป็นจริง, Dalam kenyataan |
日本人 / nihonjin (Popular) | Japanese person, Japanese people, 日本, 日本, 일본인, Người Nhật, ญี่ปุ่น, Orang jepang |
以外 / igai (JLPT-4) | with the exception of, excepting, 除了, 除了, 이외, Khác với, นอกเหนือจาก, Selain |
年 / nen (JLPT-5) | year (e.g. AD), 年, 年, 년, Năm, ปี,T ahun |
ぶり / buri (JLPT-2) | after (period of time) again (e.g. meeting again after a year), for the first time in (period of time), 第一次, 第一次, 만, Lần đầu, ครั้งแรก, Pertama kali |
金 / kin (JLPT-3) | gold (Au), golden (color), gold (medal, cup), 黄金, 黃金, 금, Vàng, ทอง, Emas |
メダル / medaru (Popular) | medal, 一枚奖牌, 一枚獎牌, 메달, Huy chương, เหรียญ, Sebuah medali |
なる / naru (JLPT-5) | to become, to get, to grow, to be, to reach, to attain, 变, 變, 될, Trở thành, จะกลายเป็น, Menjadi |
日本語 / nihongo (JLPT-5) | Japanese (language), 日本, 日本, 일본어, Tiếng nhật, ญี่ปุ่น, Orang jepang |
能力 / nouryoku (JLPT-3) | ability, faculty, 容量, 容量, 능력, Khả năng, ความจุ, Kemampuan |
試験 / shiken (JLPT-4) | examination, exam, test, 一个测试, 一個測試, 시험, Một bài kiểm tra, การทดสอบ, Tes |
容易 / youi (JLPT-3) | easy, simple, plain, 易, 易, 쉽게, Dễ dàng, ง่าย, Mudah |
こと / koto (JLPT-4) | thing, matter, nominalizing suffix, pretending to …, playing make-believe …, 它, 它, 수, Thing, มัน, Thing |
あなた / anata (JLPT-5) | you (referring to someone of equal or lower status), 您, 您, 당신, Bạn, คุณ, Kamu |
話す / hanasu (JLPT-5) | to talk, to speak, to converse, to chat, 说说, 說說, 이야기, Nói chuyện, เพื่อคุยกัน, Untuk berbicara |
なければならない / nakerebanaranai (Popular) | have to do, must, should, ought to, 必须, 必須, 있어야한다, Phải, ต้อง, Harus |
ある / aru (JLPT-5) | to be, to exist, to live, 有, 有, 있는거야, Có, มี, Ya |
見る / miru (JLPT-5) | to see, to look, to watch, to view, to observe, 看, 看, 보기, Để xem, เพื่อดู, Untuk melihat |
ほど / hodo (JLPT-4) | degree, extent, bounds, limit, 度, 度, 정도, Bằng cấp, ปริญญา, Gelar |
美しい / utsukushii (JLPT-4) | beautiful, lovely, 美丽, 美麗, 아름다운, Đẹp, สวยงาม, Indah |