#1257 Today’s Japanese Question Vocabulary(N1-N2)


Today’s Japanese Question Vocabulary N1-N2

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Today's Japanese Questions (Vocabulary and Grammar)

Shaded items are complete.


上達 ​(JLPT-3)じょうたつ, jyoutatsu, improvement (e.g. in skill, ability), advance, progress, 进度, 進度, 향상, Tiến độ, ความคืบหน้า, Kemajuan
どんなに ​(JLPT-3)donnani, how, how much, 不管怎么样, 不管怎麼樣, 아무리, Không có vấn đề làm thế nào, ไม่ว่าจะอย่างไร, Tidak peduli bagaimanapun caranya
不得意 ​(Plpular)ふとくい, futokui, one’s weak point, 弱点, 弱點, 서툼, Không phù hợp, ปมด้อย, Tidak pantas
繰り返し ​(Popular)くりかえし, kurikaeshi, repetition, repeat, reiteration, iteration, refrain, cycle, 重, 重, 반복, Lặp lại, ทำซ้ำ, Ulangi
練習 ​(KLPT-5)れんしゅう, renshuu, practice, practising, 实践, 實踐, 연습, Thực hành, การปฏิบัติ, Berlatih
留学 ​(JLPT-3)りゅうがく, ryuugaku, studying abroad, 出国留学, 出國留學, 유학, Du học, การศึกษาในต่างประเทศ, Belajar di luar negeri
せい ​(JLPT-2)sei, consequence, outcome, result, blame, 契, 契, 소위, Sự cố, โฉนด, Insiden
​(JLPT-4)かれ, kare, he, him, 他, 他, 그, Anh ấy, เขา, Dia
中国語n ​(Popular)ちゅうごくご chuugokugo Chinese (language), 中国, 中國, 중국, Trung Quốc, จีน, Orang Cina
中国語 ​(Popular)ちゅうごくご, chuugokugo, Chinese (language), 中国, 中國, 중국, Trung Quốc, จีน, Orang Cina
話す ​(JLPT-5)はなす, hanasu, to speak (a language), 谈谈, 談談, 이야기, Nói chuyện, พูดคุย, Untuk berbicara
かなり ​(JLPT-3)kanari, considerably, fairly, quite, 宁, 寧, 꽤, Đáng kể, ค่อนข้าง, Jauh lebih baik
医学部 ​(noun)いがくぶ, igakubu, medical faculty, 医学院, 醫學院, 의학부, Trường y khoa, โรงเรียนแพทย์, Sekolah kedokteran
合格 ​(JLPT-3)ごうかく, goukaku, success, passing (e.g. exam), eligibility, 传递, 傳遞, 통과, Đã vượt qua, ผ่าน, Lulus
日々 ​(JLPT-1)ひび, hibi, every day, daily, day after day, days (e.g. good old days), 每一天, 每一天, 매일, Mỗi ngày, ทุกวัน, Setiap hari
練習 ​(JLPT-5)れんしゅう, renshuu, practice, practising, 实践, 實踐, 연습, Thực hành, การปฏิบัติ, Berlatih
受講生 ​(noun)じゅこうせい, jukousei, students attending lectures, 学生, 學生, 수강생, Sinh viên, นักเรียน, Pelajar
作品 ​(JLPT-3)さくひん, sakuhin, work (e.g. book, film, composition, etc.), opus, performance, production, 工作, 工作, 작품, Công trình, ทำงาน, Bekerja
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