Today’s Japanese Question Vocabulary N2-N3
Here is a Japanese question that is going to be posted every day. You will get your results after you answer this Japanese question. Some of the questions are easier, some are more difficult.
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Check your Japanese skills with the JPYoKoSo Vocabulary and Grammar Questions!
I put the vocabulary below that be used by this question! Check them after solving this!
Today's Japanese Questions (Vocabulary and Grammar)
管理 / kanri (JLPT-3) | control, management (e.g. of a business), 管理, 管理, 관리, Quản lý, การจัดการ, Manajemen |
下水 / gesui (JLPT-2) | drainage, ditch, gutter, sewerage, 污水, 污水, 하수, Nước thải, น้ำเน่า, Limbah |
きれい / kirei (JLPT-5) | pretty, lovely, beautiful, fair, 美丽, 美麗, 청소, Đẹp, สวยงาม, Indah |
水 / mizu (JLPT-5) | water (esp. cool, fresh water, e.g. drinking water), 水, 水, 물, Nước, น้ำ, Air |
プラスチック / purasuchikku (JLPT-2) | plastic, 塑料, 塑料, 플라스틱, Nhựa, พลาสติก, Plastik |
通す / toosu (JLPT-3) | to stick through, to force through, 让我们通过, 讓我們通過, 통과, Cho qua,ปล่อยผ่าน, Biarkan lewat |
流す / nagasu (JLPT-3) | to drain, to pour, to spill, to shed (blood, tears), 脱掉, 脫掉, 흐르는, Để đổ, ในการหลั่งน้ำตา, Menumpahkan |
この / kono (JLPT-5) | this (something or someone close to the speaker (including the speaker), or ideas expressed by the speaker), 此, 此, 이, Cái này, นี้, Ini |
ビル / ooi (JLPT-4) | biru multi-floor building, multi-storey building, 建筑, 建築, 빌딩, Tòa nhà, อาคาร, Membangun |
外国 / gaikoku (JLPT-5) | foreign country, 国外, 國外, 외국, Nước ngoài, ต่างประเทศ, Negara asing |
企業 / kigyou (JLPT-3) | enterprise, business, company, corporation, 公司, 公司, 기업, Công ty, บริษัท, Perusahaan |
水道 / suidou (JLPT-4) | water supply, water service, waterworks, 供水, 供水, 수도, Cấp nước, น้ำประปา, Pasokan air |
壊れる / kowareru (JLPT-4) | to be broken, to break, 打破, 打破, 손상, Để phá vỡ, จะแตก, Untuk istirahat |
道路 / douro (JLPT-3) | road, highway, 一条路, 一條路, 도로, Đường, ถนน, Jalan |
あふれる / afureru (JLPT-2) | to overflow, to brim over, to flood, 溢出, 溢出, 넘치는, Để tràn, เพื่อล้น, Meluap |