Today’s Japanese Question Vocabulary N1-N2
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Check your Japanese skills with the JPYoKoSo Vocabulary and Grammar Questions!
I put the vocabulary below that be used by this question! Check them after solving this!
Today's Japanese Questions (Vocabulary and Grammar)
極端 (JLPT-1) | きょくたん, kyokutan, extreme, extremity, 极端, 極端, 극단, Cực, สุดขีด, Ekstrim |
長女 (JLPT-2) | ちょうじょ, choujo, eldest daughter, first-born daughter, 大女儿, 大女兒, 장녀, Con gái lớn, ลูกสาวคนโต, Putri sulung |
日本 (JLPT-3) | にほん, nihon, Japan, 日本, 日本, 일본, Nhật Bản, ประเทศญี่ปุ่น, Jepang |
塾 (JLPT-1) | じゅく, juku, coaching school, cramming school, juku, 学校, 學校, 학원, Bướm đêm, โรงเรียน, Ngengat |
通う (JLPT-4) | かよう, kayou, to go to and from (a place), to go back and forth between, to run between (e.g. bus, train, etc.), to ply between, 要经历, 要經歷, 다니는, Đi ,ทด, Pergi |
例 (JLPT-3) | れい, rei, instance, example, case, illustration, usage, 案件, 案件, 예, Ví dụ, กรณี, Contoh |
実際 (JLPT-3) | じっさい, jissai, practicality, practical, 实用, 實用, 실제, Thật ra, ประยุกต์, Sebenarnya |
存在 (JLPT-3) | そんざい, sonzai, existence, being, 存在, 存在, 존재, Sự tồn tại, การดำรงอยู่, Keberadaan |
大統領 (JLPT-3) | だいとうりょう, daitouryou, president (of a nation or company), chief executive, 总统, 總統, 대통령, Tổng thống, ประธาน, Presiden |
選手 (JLPT-3) | せんしゅ, senshu, player (sports), athlete, team member, 播放机, 播放機, 선수, Người chơi, ผู้เล่น, Pemain |
監督 (JLPT-3) | かんとく, kantoku, supervision, control, superintendence, direction, 监督, 監督, 감독, Giám đốc, การดูแล, Direktur |
関係 (JLPT-4) | かんけい, kankei, relation, relationship, connection, 一段感情, 一段感情, 관계, Một mối quan hệ, ความสัมพันธ์, Suatu hubungan |