Today’s Japanese Question Vocabulary N1-N2
Here is a Japanese question that is going to be posted every day. You will get your results after you answer this Japanese question. Some of the questions are easier, some are more difficult.
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Check your Japanese skills with the JPYoKoSo Vocabulary and Grammar Questions!
I put the vocabulary below that be used by this question! Check them after solving this!
Today's Japanese Questions (Vocabulary and Grammar)
偶然 (JLPT-3) | ぐうぜん, guuzen, coincidence, chance, accident, fortuity, 偶然, 偶然, 우연히, Tình cờ, โดยบังเอิญ, Secara kebetulan |
従兄弟 (JLPT-3) | いとこ, itoko, cousin (male), 表姐, 表姐, 사촌, Anh em họ, ลูกพี่ลูกน้อง, Sepupu |
性格 (JLPT-3) | せいかく, seikaku, character, personality, disposition, nature, 个性, 個性, 성격, Tính cách, บุคลิกภาพ, Kepribadian |
大好物 (noun) | だいこうぶつ daikoubutsu (one’s) favourite food, (one’s) favorite food, 最喜欢的食物, 最喜歡的食物, 좋아하는 음식, Món ăn yêu thích, อาหารที่ชอบ, Makanan favorit |
欠かさず (adverb) | かかさず, kakasazu, without fail, diligently, without missing a single …, 小姐不, 無一例外, 빠짐없이, Không thể thiếu, นางสาวไม่, Sangat diperlukan |
飲む (JLPT-5) | のむ, nomu, to drink, to gulp, to swallow, to take (medicine), 喝, 喝, 한잔, Uống, การดื่ม, Untuk minum |
夏 (JLPT-5) | なつ, natsu, summer, 夏天, 夏天, 여름, Mùa hè, ฤดูร้อน, Musim panas |
エアコン (Popular) | えあこん, eakon, air-conditioner, 空调, 空調, 에어컨, Điều hòa, เครื่องปรับอากาศ, Kondisi udara |