Today’s Japanese Question Vocabulary N2-N3
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Check your Japanese skills with the JPYoKoSo Vocabulary and Grammar Questions!
I put the vocabulary below that be used by this question! Check them after solving this!
Today's Japanese Questions (Vocabulary and Grammar)
さしつかえる / sashitsukaeru (JLPT-1) | to interfere, to hinder, to become impeded, 干扰, 干擾, 지장, can thiệp vào, ต้องทนทุกข์ทรมาน, mengganggu |
この / kono (JLPT-5) | this (something or someone close to the speaker (including the speaker), or ideas expressed by the speaker), 此, 此, 이, Cái này, นี้, Ini |
試験 / shaken (JLPT-4) | examination, exam, test, 一个测试, 一個測試, 시험, Một bài kiểm tra, การทดสอบ, Tes |
計算機 / keisanki (Popular) | calculator, 计算机, 計算機, 계산기, Máy tính, คอมพิวเตอร์, Kalkulator |
使う / tsukau (JLPT-5) | to use (a thing, method, etc.), to make use of, to put to use, 使用, 使用, 사용, Để sử dụng, ต้องการใช้, Untuk digunakan |
こんな / konna (JLPT-5) | such (about something or someone close to the speaker (including the speaker), or about ideas expressed by the speaker), like this, 这样, 這樣, 이런, Cái này, อย่างเช่น, Ini |
豪雨 / gouu (Popular) | torrential rain, heavy rain, cloudburst, downpour, 大雨, 大雨, 호우, Mưa lớn, ฝนตกหนัก, Hujan deras |
だから / dakaraso (JLPT-4) | therefore, 所以, 所以, 그래서, Vì vậy, ดังนั้น, Jadi |
中止 / chuushi (JLPT-3) | suspension, stoppage, discontinuance, interruption, 废止, 廢止, 중지, Dừng lại, การหยุด, Hentikan |
こと / koto (JLPT-4) | thing, matter, nominalizing suffix, pretending to …, playing make-believe …, 它, 它, 수, Thing, มัน, Thing |
川 / kawa (JLPT-5) | river, stream, 一条河, 一條河, 강, Một con song, แม่น้ำ, Sungai |
釣り / tsuri (JLPT-3) | fishing, angling, 钓鱼, 釣魚, 낚시, Câu cá, ประมง, Memancing |
たら / tara (Popular) | indicates supposition, if … then, when, after, 如果, 如果, 경우, Sau, เมื่อ, ketika |
きまり / kimari (JLPT-3) | rule, regulation, 愧, 愧, 민망한, sự bối rối, เจื่อน, Perhatikan |
その / sono (JLPT-5) | that (something or someone distant from the speaker, close to the listener; actions of the listener, or ideas expressed or understood by the listener), the, 该, 該, 그, Đó, การ, Itu |
問題 / mondai (JLPT-5) | question (e.g. on a test), problem, 一个问题, 一個問題, 문제, Một vấn đề, มีปัญหา, Masalah |
あなた / anata (JLPT-5) | you (referring to someone of equal or lower status), 您, 您, 당신, Bạn, คุณ, Kamu |
何ら / nanra (Popular) | whatever, what, what sort of, any kind of, 无论如何, 無論如何, 아무런, Ở bất kỳ tỷ lệ nào, ในอัตราใด ๆ, Bagaimanapun juga |
もの / mono (JLPT-5) | thing, object, article, stuff, substance, 事, 事, 물건, Thing, สิ่ง, Thing |