#1299 Today’s Japanese Question Vocabulary(N1-N2)


Today’s Japanese Question Grammar N1-N2

Here is a Japanese question that is going to be posted every day. You will get your results after you answer this Japanese question. Some of the questions are easier, some are more difficult.

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Check your Japanese skills with the JPYoKoSo Vocabulary and Grammar Questions!

I put the vocabulary below that be used by this question! Check them after solving this!

Today's Japanese Questions (Vocabulary and Grammar)

Shaded items are complete.


わざわざ ​(JLPT-1)wazawaza, expressly, specially, doing something especially rather than incidentally, 麻烦, 麻煩, 일부러, Bother, ตื๊อ, sengaja
遠方 ​(JLPT-1)えんぽう, enpou, long way, distant place, 遥远的地方, 遙遠的地方, 먼, Nơi xa, สถานที่ห่างไกล, Tempat yang jauh
視察 ​(JLPT-1)しさつ, shisatsu, inspection, observation, 检查, 檢查, 시찰, Kiểm tra, การตรวจสอบ, Inspeksi
来る ​(JLPT-5)くる, kuru, to come (spatially or temporally), to approach, to arrive, 来, 來, 올, Sắp, มา, Datang
ステージ ​(JLPT-2)すてーじ, sute-ji, stage, 舞台, 舞台, 무대, Giai đoạn, เวที, Panggung
​(JLPT-5)した, shita, below, down, under, younger (e.g. daughter), 下面, 下面, 아래, Dưới đây, ด้านล่าง, Di bawah
観客 ​(JLPT-3)かんきゃく, kankyaku, audience, spectator, spectators, 听众, 聽眾, 관객, Khán giả, ผู้ฟัง, Hadirin
恐怖 ​(JLPT-3)きょうふ, kyoufu, fear, dread, dismay, terror, horror, scare, panic, 恐惧, 恐懼, 공포, Sợ hãi, ความกลัว, Ketakutan
身体 ​(JLPT-5)からだ, karada, body, 身体, 身體, 신체, Cơ thể, ร่างกาย,T ubuh
京都 ​(Popular)きょうと, kyouto, Kyoto (city), 京都, 京都, 교토, Kyoto, เกียวโต, Kyoto
時間 ​(JLPT-5)じかん jikan hour, 小时, 小時, 시간, giờ, ชั่วโมง, jam
程度 ​(JLPT-3)ていど, teido, degree, amount, grade, standard, of the order of (following a number), about, approximately, 度, 度, 정도, Bằng cấp, ปริญญา, Gelar
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