Today’s Japanese Question Vocabulary N2-N3
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Check your Japanese skills with the JPYoKoSo Vocabulary and Grammar Questions!
I put the vocabulary below that be used by this question! Check them after solving this!
Today's Japanese Questions (Vocabulary and Grammar)
料金 / ryoukin (JLPT-3) | fee, charge, fare, 费, 費, 요금, Giá, ค่าธรรมเนียม, Harga |
家庭教師 / kateikyoushi (Popular) | private tutor, coach, governess, 导师, 導師, 교사, Một gia sư, ติวเตอร์, Seorang tutor |
アルバイト / arubaito (JLPT-4) | part-time job, side job, 兼职工作, 兼職工作, 아르바이트, Công việc bán thời gian, งานพาร์ทไทม์, Pekerjaan paruh waktu |
もらう / morau (JLPT-4) | to receive, to take, to accept, 收到, 收到, 받는, Để nhận, ที่จะได้รับ, Untuk menerima |
父 / chichi (JLPT-5) | father, 父亲, 父親, 아버지, Cha, พ่อ, Ayah |
社長 / shachou (JLPT-4) | company president, manager, director, 总统, 總統, 사장, Tổng thống,ประธานาธิบดี,Presiden |
なので / nanode (Expression) | because, as, since, 所以, 所以, 그래서, Vì vậy, ดังนั้น, Jadi |
高い / takai (JLPT-5) | high, tall, 高, 高, 높은, Cao, สูง, Tinggi |
ガス / gasu (JLPT-4) | gas (state of matter, e.g. poison gas, natural gas), 气, 氣, 가스, Khí, ก๊าซ, Gas |
請求 / seikyuu (JLPT-3) | claim, demand, charge, application, request, billing (for a service), 索赔,索賠, 청구, Khiếu nại, การอ้างสิทธิ์, Klaim |
される / sareru (Popular) | to be done (to someone), 完成了, 完成了, 되는, Hãy hoàn thành ,ทำได้, Selesai |
ガソリン / gasorin (JLPT-4) | gasoline, petrol, 汽油, 汽油, 가솔린, Xăng, น้ำมันเบนซิน, Bensin |
上がる / agaru (JLPT-4) | to rise, to go up, to come up, to ascend, to be raised, 要起来, 要起來, 상승, Để tăng, จะเพิ่มขึ้น, Untuk bangkit |