Today’s Japanese Question Vocabulary N2-N3
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I put the vocabulary below that be used by this question! Check them after solving this!
Today's Japanese Questions (Vocabulary and Grammar)
ためす / tamesu (JLPT-3) | to attempt, to test, to try out, 试试, 試試, 시도, Để thử, ที่จะลอง, Untuk mencoba |
社長 / shachou (JLPT-4) | company president, manager, director, 总统, 總統, 사장, Tổng thống, ประธานาธิบดี, Presiden |
話 / hanashi (JLPT-5) | talk, speech, chat, story, conversation, 故事, 故事, 이야기, Câu chuyện, เรื่องราว, Cerita |
気持ち / kimochi (JLPT-4) | feeling, sensation, mood, 一种感觉, 一種感覺, 마음, Một cảm giác, ความรู้สึก, Suatu perasaan |
ような / youna (Popular) | like, similar to, 比如, 比如, 같은, Thích, เช่น, Suka |
こと / koto (JLPT-4) | thing, matter, nominalizing suffix, pretending to …, playing make-believe …, 它, 它, 수, Thing, มัน, Thing |
する / suru (JLPT-5) | to do, to carry out, to perform, 使, 使, 하는, Để, ทำ, Untuk |
窓 / mado (JLPT-5) | window, 一个窗口, 一個窗口, 창문, Một cửa sổ, หน้าต่าง, Jendela |
ドア / doa (JLPT-5) | door (Western-style), 一扇门, 一扇門, 문, Một cánh cửa, ประตู, Sebuah pintu |
開ける / akeru (JLPT-5) | to open (a door, etc.), to unwrap (e.g. parcel, package), to unlock, 打开, 打開, 열기, Để mở, เพื่อเปิด, Untuk terbuka |
部屋 / heya (JLPT-5) | room, chamber, 一个房间, 一個房間, 방, Phòng, ห้องพัก, Sebuah kamar |
中 / naka (JLPT-5) | inside, in, 中, 中, 중, Trung bình, กลาง, Sedang |
風 / kaze (JLPT-5) | wind, breeze, draught, draft, 风, 風, 바람, Gió, สายลม, Angin |
フライパン / furaipan (JLPT-2) | fry pan, frying pan, 煎锅, 煎鍋, 프라이팬, Chảo rán, กระทะ, Wajan |
肉 / niku (JLPT-5) | meat, 肉, 肉, 고기, Thịt, เนื้อ, Daging |
しっかり / shikkari (JLPT-4) | tightly (holding on), firmly, securely, 紧紧, 緊緊, 제대로, Chặt chẽ, อย่างแน่นหนา, Sangat ketat |
火 / hi (JLPT-5) | fire, flame, blaze, 火, 火, 불, Lửa, ไฟไหม้, Api |