Today’s Japanese Question Grammar N1-N2
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Check your Japanese skills with the JPYoKoSo Vocabulary and Grammar Questions!
I put the vocabulary below that be used by this question! Check them after solving this!
Today's Japanese Questions (Vocabulary and Grammar)
官僚 / kanryou (JLPT-1) | bureaucrat, government official, bureaucracy, 官僚主义, 官僚主義, 관료, Quan liêu, การปกครองระบบเจ้าขุนมูลนาย, Birokrasi |
たち / tachi (JLPT-5) | pluralizing suffix (esp. for people and animals; formerly honorific), 达到, 達到, 도달, Đạt, ต้นน้ำ, Mencapai |
贅沢 / zeitaku (JLPT-3) | luxury, extravagance, 豪华型, 豪華型, 사치, Sang trọng, หรูหรา, Mewah |
ひきかえ / hikikae (Popular) | exchange, conversion, 兑换, 兌換, 교환, Mua lại, แลกเปลี่ยน, Tebus |
一般 / ippan (JLPT-3) | general, universal, 一般, 一般, 일반, Tổng hợp, ร่วมกัน, Jenderal |
市民 / shimin (JLPT-4) | citizen, citizenry, public, 市民, 市民, 시민, Công dân, พลเมือง, Warga negara |
生活 / seikatsu (JLPT-4) | living, life (one’s daily existence), livelihood, 生活, 生活, Cuộc sống, 생활, ชีวิต, Hidup |
貧しい / mazushii (JLPT-3) | poor, needy, 可怜, 可憐, 가난한, Nghèo, น่าสงสาร, Miskin |