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Today's Japanese Questions (Vocabulary and Grammar)
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Question 1
湾岸戦争での油〔 〕の水鳥のように、一般人を洗脳する。
がてら / gatera
on the same occasion, at the same time, coincidentally, along with, partly (to do, for)(particle), 炉排, 爐排, 지만 데라, Nướng, อาราทาร่า, Parut
ながら / nagara
while, during, as(JLPT-5), 一会儿, 一會兒, 하면서, Trong khi, แม้, Sementara
ならでは / naradeha
distinctive of, characteristic of, uniquely applying to, special to(Expression)(noun taking the genitive case particle の), 独特的, 獨特的, 만, Độc đáo, เป็นเอกลักษณ์, Unik