Today’s Japanese Question Grammar N1-N2
Here is a question that is going to be posted every day. You will get your results after you answer this question. Some of the questions are easier, some are more difficult.
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Check your Japanese skills with the JPYoKoSo Vocabulary and Grammar Questions!
I put the vocabulary below that be used by this question! Check them after solving this!
Today's Japanese Questions (Vocabulary and Grammar)
怖い / kowai (JLPT-4) | scary, frightening, eerie, dreadful, 吓人的, 嚇人的, 무서운, Đáng sợ, ฉันกลัว, Menakutkan |
心配 / shinpai (JLPT-4) | worry, concern, anxiety, uneasiness, fear, 忧虑, 憂慮, 걱정, Lo lắng, กังวล, Khawatir |
ない / nai (JLPT-5) | nonexistent, not being (there), 没有啦, 有啦, 없는, Không, ไม่, Tidak |
言う / iu (JLPT-5) | to say, to utter, to declare, 说, 說, 말, Nói, พูด, Katakan |
想定 / soutei (Popular) | hypothesis, supposition, assumption, 假设条件, 假設條件, 가정, Giả định, การสันนิษฐาน, Asumsi |
できる / dekiru (JLPT-5) | to be able (in a position) to do, to be up to the task, 可以, 可以, 있다, Có thể, สามารถ, Bisa |
最悪 / saiaku (Popular) | worst, 最差, 最差, 최악, Tệ nhất, แย่ที่สุด, Terburuk |
状態 / joutai (JLPT-3) | current status, condition, situation, circumstances, state, 状况, 條件, 상태, Tình trạng, รัฐ, Ketentuan |
まで / made (Popular) | until (a time), till, to, up to, 直到, 直到, 까지, Cho đến khi, จนกระทั่ง, Sampai |
だから / dakara (JLPT-4) | so, therefore, 所以, 所以, 그래서, Vậy, ดังนั้น, Jadi |