#954 Today’s Japanese Question Grammar(N1-N2)


Today’s Japanese Question Grammar N1-N2

Here is a question that is going to be posted every day. You will get your results after you answer this question. Some of the questions are easier, some are more difficult.

Don’t worry if you don’t know the answer!

Check your Japanese skills with the JPYoKoSo Vocabulary and Grammar Questions!

I put the vocabulary below that be used by this question! Check them after solving this!

Today's Japanese Questions (Vocabulary and Grammar)

Shaded items are complete.


作品さくひん / sakuhin ​(JLPT-3)work (e.g. book, film, composition, etc.), opus, performance, production, 工作, 工作, 작품, Công trình, ทำงาน, Bekerja
つつむ / tsutsumu ​(JLPT-4)to wrap up, to tuck in, to pack, to do up, to cover with, to dress in, 总结, 總結, 포장, Bọc, ตัด, Bungkus
出勤しゅっきん / shukkin ​(JLPT-2)attendance (at work), being at work, presence (in the office), going to work, reporting for work, 去上班, 去上班, 출근, จะไปทำงาน, Kehadiran
重視じゅうし / juushi ​(JLPT-3)regarding as important, attaching importance to, taking a serious view of, putting emphasis on, 重要性, 重要性, 중시, Nhấn mạnh, ความสำคัญ, Penekanan
制度せいど / seido ​(JLPT-3)system, institution, organization, organisation, 系统, 系統, 제도, ระบบ, Institusi
結果けっか / kekka ​(JLPT-3)result, consequence, outcome, effect, 结果, 結果, 결과, ผลที่ได้, Hasilnya
始末しまつ / shimatsu ​(JLPT-1)management, dealing with, settlement, cleaning up, disposal, 沉降, 沉降, 처치, การตั้งถิ่นฐาน, Cleansing
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