Give it a shot/go!:”yatte miyou!” Japanese Phrase #210


Give it a shot/go!:”yatte miyou!” Japanese Phrase #210

Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “やってみよう!(yatte miyou)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!

やってみよう!(yatte miyou)

Give it a shot/go! / 试试看吧! / 해 보자! / Hãy thử làm đi!

When you want to explain “Let’s give it a try.”, you would be able to use “やってみよう!(yatte miyou)” which means “Give it a shot/go!”. Everybody could use this phrase in daily conversations as casual. The polite way to use it is “やってみましょう!(yatte mima syou)” and which is also used in business situations as formal. Furthermore, native speakers tend to say “とりあえずやってみよう!(toriaezu yatte miyou)” and “とりあえず(toriaezu)” means “for now” or “anyway”.

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Sample 1


この勉強方法べんきょうほうほうどうおもう? (So what do you think about the way to study?) (你觉得这种学习方法如何?) (이 공부 방법 어때?) (Bạn thấy phương pháp học này thế nào?) (kono benkyō hōhō dō omou?)


いいとおもうよ。とりあえずやってみようよ! (I like it. Let’s give it a shot.) (我觉得很好啊。总之先试试看吧!) (좋아. 일단 해보자!) (Tôi thấy được đó! Tạm thời mình cứ thử xem sao nhé!) (ī to omou yo. toriaezu yatte miyou yo!)


だよね! (Yeah, you’re right!) (也是呢!) (그래!) (Được đấy!) (dayone!)

Sample 2


JLPTのテストけるかまよってるんだー。 (I can’t make up my mind whether to take the JLPT test.) (我很犹豫要不要去考JLPT的考试。) (JLPT시험 볼까 생각중이야~) (Tôi không biết liệu có nên thi JLPT hay không.) (je eru pi ti no tesuto ukeru ka mayotte runda-.)


とりあえず、やってみたら? (Why don’t you just give it a go?) (总之,你先试试看如何?) (일단 해보는게 어때?) (Cứ thi thử xem sao?) (toriaezu, yatte mitara?)


だよね!明日申あしたもうんでみる! (Yeah, you’re right! I’ll apply for it tomorrow!) (也是齁!明天我去申请看看!) (그래! 내일 신청해볼게!) (Ừ nhỉ!Ngày mai tôi sẽ thử nộp hồ sơ.) (dayone! ashita mōshi konde miru!)

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