4 Easy Ways to Define and Use “sawayaka” You Would Use


4 Easy Ways to Define and Use sawayaka You Would Use

If you’re not careful about using “さわやか(sawayaka)” at all, natives might not figure your thoughts out and you may be asked what you mean by native speakers. That means さわやか has not only one meaning, but some meaning. So, let me introduce how to correctly use the 4 meanings of さわやか today!

さわやか [for wind or air] (sawayaka)

Crisp / Brisk

さわやか(sawayaka)” can be used for wind or air such as early morning or Spring or Autumn and so on which temperature is a little bit cool, not hot which we feel comfortable furthermore the weather isn’t rainy, rather sunny which seems we want to go out.

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はる空気くうきはとてもさわやか大好だいすきです。 (The Spring air was so crisp and I love that.) (春天的空气非常清爽,我很喜欢。) (봄 공기는 무척 상쾌해서 정말 좋아요.) (Không khí mùa xuân rất tươi mát nên tôi rất thích.) (haru no kūki wa totemo sawayaka de daisuki desu.)

今日きょうさわやか空気くうきだったので、ジョギングにきました。 (I went for a jog because this morning air was crisp.) (今天早上空气很清新,所以我去慢跑了。) (오늘 아침 공기가 상쾌하길래 조깅하러 갔어요.) (Sáng nay khí trời trong lành nên tôi đã đi chạy bộ. ) (kyō wa sawayaka na kūki datta node, jogingu ni iki mashita.)

さわやか [for food or drink] (sawayaka)

Fresh / Refresh

さわやか(sawayaka)” can be used for food which we feel fresh and refreshed such as fresh juice, fresh vegetables, mints and something to drink which are lemonade, grape soda pop, mint water and etc. Basically, it is used while feeling pretty hot and after eating or drinking them, hence, you could get refreshed.


このオレンジジュースはさわやかあじわいがするね。 (This orange juice has a fresh taste.) (这款橙汁口感清爽。) (이 오렌지주스는 상큼한 맛이 나네.) (Nước cam này hương vị thật tươi mát nhỉ.) (kono orenji jūsu wa sawayaka na ajiwai ga suru ne.)

ミントをべたあとくちさわやかです。 (My mouth feels refreshed after eating mints.) (吃薄荷后嘴巴很清爽。) (민트를 먹으면 입 안이 상쾌해요.) (Ăn bạc hà xong miệng thơm mát dễ chịu thật.) (minto wo tabeta ato wa kuchi ga sawayaka desu.)

さわやか [for voice] (sawayaka)

Clear / Silver

さわやか can be also used for someone’s voice that means it is clear and silver which you could clearly hear and the tone of their voice isn’t low rather pretty high and not loudly. So if someone has a clear / silver voice(さわやかなこえ), she/he could become a radio personality or voice actor / actress.


ともやくんこえってかなりさわやかだよね?モテるでしょ? (Tomoyakun’s voice is so clear, aren’t you? You are very popular with girls, huh?) (Tomoya的声音很爽朗,不是吗? 一定很受女孩子欢迎吧。) (도모야 군 목소리는 참 좋아. 인기 많지?) (Giọng của Tomoya nghe dễ chịu nhỉ? Chắc là được nhiều người yêu thích lắm nhỉ? ) (Tomoya kun no koe tte kanari sawayaka dayo ne? moteru desho?)

この歌手かしゅって、さわやかこえうたうよな?きだわー。 (This singer has been singing such a silver voice, hasn’t she? I like that.) (这位歌手是那位歌声很清新的吗? 好喜欢呢。) (이 가수는 참 산뜻한 목소리로 노래하지? 너무 좋아. ) (Ca sỹ này giọng hát rất trong trẻo đúng không? Đúng gu tớ thích.) (kono kashu tte, sawayaka na koe de utau yona? sukida wa-. )

さわやか [for guys] (sawayaka)

Handsome / Cute / Nice Smile

When girls use “さわやか(sawayaka)” for guys, that means they are pleasant, handsome, even cute and with a nice smile plus even tidy. In general, they are tidy, there are no body odor and bad breath, not crooked teeth and white teeth, a good figure, good posture, no beard or trimmed beard, kind, respectful and so on.


さわやかイケメンだね。彼女かのじょいるの? (You’re so pleasant and handsome. Are you seeing anyone?) (真是个令人耳目一新的帅哥。 有女朋友吗?) (상큼하게 생겼네. 여자친구 있어?) (Đúng là một anh chàng đẹp trai trẻ trung. Anh ấy có bạn gái chưa nhỉ?) (sawayaka ikemen dane. kanojo iru no?)

さわやかイケメンだね。彼女かのじょいるの? (You’re so pleasant and handsome. Are you seeing anyone?) (真是个令人耳目一新的帅哥。 有女朋友吗?) (상큼하게 생겼네. 여자친구 있어?) (Đúng là một anh chàng đẹp trai trẻ trung. Anh ấy có bạn gái chưa nhỉ?) (sawayaka ikemen dane. kanojo iru no?)

さわやか [for people and women] (sawayaka)

Cheerful / Friendly / Tidy / Neat

さわやか(sawayaka)” has been used for not only guys but it also for people including women with the natural look, clear skin, cheerful, friendly and so on.


ここの図書館員としょかんいんさわやかだね! (I think a librarian is cheerful here!) (图书管理员在这里令人耳目一新!) (여기 도서관 직원 산뜻한 느낌이지!) (Thủ thư ở đây dễ chịu quá ha!) (koko no toshokanin wa sawayaka dane!)

あのはいつもとってもさわやかで、きになりそう。 (Seems like I’ve really fallen in love with that girl who has been always friendly.) (那个孩子总是很清爽,我会喜欢他。) (저 아이는 항상 밝아서 좋아하게 될 것 같다.) (Cô gái đó lúc nào cũng tươi tắn nhẹ nhàng khiến tôi thấy hơi rung động. ) (anoko wa itsumo tottemo sawayaka de, suki ni nari sō.)

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