“kaihatsu” vs “hatten” vs “tenkai”:Do You Know What The Difference?


“kaihatsu” vs “hatten” vs “tenkai”:Do You Know What The Difference?

What is the difference between “開発かいはつ(kaihatsu), 発展はってん(hatten) and 展開てんかい(tenkai)“? Which do you have to use when the story progresses After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

開発かいはつ (kaihatsu)

Development / 开发 / 개발 / Khai thác

開発かいはつ(kaihatsu)” means “Development” and which has been used as the meaning of “to invent something”. The basic way to use it “___は/が___を開発かいはつする(___ develop ___)”. For instance, “会社かいしゃ独自どくじのシステムを開発かいはつ(A company develops its own system.). It is the word everybody uses. The tip for using “開発かいはつ” is 0 to 1 which means “To make something NEW”. Furthermore, “開発かいはつ ” tend to be a business word, because companies often develop something such as system, a new method, product, software, etc.

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このへん開発かいはつちゅう地域ちいきだね。 (This area is developing.) (这附近是正在开发中的区域。) (이 근처는 개발중인 지역이구나.) (Khu vực này là vùng đang trong quá trình khai thác nhỉ!) (这附近是正在开发中的区域。) (이 근처는 개발중인 지역이구나.) (Khu vực này là vùng đang trong quá trình khai thác nhỉ!) (kono hen wa kaihatsu chū no chiiki dane.)


いま開発かいはつしています。 (Now, it is under development.) (现在正在开发当中。) (지금 개발하고 있습니다. ) (Hiện tại chúng tôi đang khai thác.) (ima, kaihatsu shite imasu.)

発展はってん (hatten)

Expansion / 发展 / 발전 / Phát triển

発展はってん(hatten)” means “Expansion” and which has been used as the meaning of “to increase in size, number, or to make something increase in this way”. The basic way to use it “___は/が発展はってんする(___ is expanded)”. For instance, “会社かいしゃ発展はってんする(A company is expanded.), “はなし発展はってんする(A story is expanded.) It is the word everybody uses. The tip for using “発展はってん” is 1 to 2 and 1000 to 1001…. which means “To EXPAND”. “発展はってん” is not that business word, it is used in daily conversations as well. Although “拡大かくだいする” is also used as the meaning of “expand”, “発展はってんする” has a more positive meaning that it.



この話題わだい発展はってんさせてしいなー。 (I want you to expand the topic.) (我想繼續这个话题啊ー) (이 이야기를 진전시키고 싶어~) (Tớ muốn cậu phát triển chủ đề này thêm nữa quá!) (kono wadai wo hatten sasete hoshī na-.)


発展はってんのチャンスだね。 (This is an opportunity to expand.) (这是一个发展的机会。) (발전할 수 있는 기회야.) (Đúng là một cơ hội để phát triển nhỉ!) (hatten no chansu dane.)

展開てんかい (tenkai)

Progressing/Change a new phase / 扩张 / 전개 / Triển kha

展開てんかい(tenkai)” means “Progressing or Change a new phase” and which has been used as the meaning of “to move a new pattern/phase”. The basic way to use it “___は/が展開てんかいする(___ is expanded)”. For instance, “はなし展開てんかいする(the story progresses)”, etc. The tip for using “展開てんかい” is “1 to a, 1000 to b….” which means “to change/move a new thing/phase ON THE SAME WAY”. Lastly, “会社かいしゃあたらしい地域ちいき開発かいはつする(A company develops a new area)”, “会社かいしゃつぎ事業じぎょう発展はってんさせる(A company expands next business.)” and “会社かいしゃあたらしい事業じぎょう展開てんかいする(A company progress a new business.).



そんなきゅう展開てんかい期待きたいしてなかったよ! (I didn’t even expect such a turn of events!) (我没想到会有这样突然的展开啊!) (그런 급전개는 기대하지 않았어!) (Tớ đã không hề kỳ vọng một sự triển khai nhanh chóng như thế!) (son’na kyū tenkai, kitai shite nakatta yo!)


はなし展開てんかいすると、このドラマってかなり面白おもしろくなってきたね。 (This drama show gets more and more exciting as the story progresses.) (随着剧情的发展,这部剧渐渐变得有趣起来了呢。) (이야기가 전개될수록, 이 드라마는 꽤 재미있어졌어.) (Khi câu chuyện hé mở ra, bộ phim này đã trở nên khá thú vị nhỉ!) (hanashi ga tenkai suru to, kono dorama tte kanari omoshiroku natte kita ne.)

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