tousha vs heisha vs. onsha vs kisha : All of These Are “Company”
What is the difference between “当社(tousha), 弊社(heisha), 御社(onsha) and 貴社(kisha)“? Is the meaning of these the same/ After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!
当社 (tousha) and 弊社 (heisha)
Our(My) company / 公司, 我们的公司 / 당사 / Công ty chúng tôi, Công ty chúng tôi
“当社(tousha) and 弊社(heisha)” mean “Our(My) company”. The basic way to use it is “当社(tousha) / 弊社(heisha)は___です。(Our(My) company is ___)”, etc. For instance, “当社/弊社はここです。(Our(My) company is here.)”, etc. The tips for using them are that ”当社” is used as a polite language(Teineigo) of “(私達)私の会社(Our(My) company)”, whereas “弊社” is used as a humble language(Kenjougo) of it. So, “弊社” is MORE POLITE THAN ”当社“. Furthermore, they are used in business situations as formal and “当社” is used between the COLLEAGUES, whereas “弊社” is used for PEOPLE who are a DIFFERENT COMPANY from you because “弊社” is MORE POLITE THAN ”当社” again. For example when a boss explains his company to new employees, “当社” is often used.
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どうして弊社を希望されているのですか? (Why are you interested in working with us?) (你为什么想在我们公司工作?) (어째서 당사를 희망하게 되었습니까?) (Tại sao bạn lại có nguyện vọng làm ở công ty của chúng tôi?) (dōshiteheisha wo kibō sarete iru no desu ka?)
弊社は20時までの営業になります。 (Our office hours are until 8 PM.) (我们公司将营业至20点。) (당사는 20시까지 영업합니다.) (Công ty chúng tôi làm việc đến 20 giờ.) (heisha wa nijūji made no eigyō ni nari masu.)
残念ながら、当社ではそのようなサービスは行っておりません。 (Unfortunately, our company does not offer that kind of service) (很抱歉,我们不提供此类服务。) (아쉽게도, 당사에서는 그런 서비스를 실시하고 있지 않습니다.) (Thật tiếc, công ty chúng tôi không cung cấp các dịch vụ như vậy.) (zan’nen nagara,tousha dewa sono youna sābisu wa okonatte orimasen.)
当社は土日祝日休みです。 (We are closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays.) (我们公司在周末和国家法定假日休息。) (우리는 주말 공휴일 휴무입니다.) (Công ty chúng tôi không làm việc vào cuối tuần và ngày lễ quốc gia.) (tousha wa donichi shukujitsu yasumi desu.)
御社 (onsha) and 貴社 (kisha)
Your firm/company / 贵公司, 贵公司 / 귀사 / Công ty quý ngài, Quý công ty
“御社 (onsha) and 貴社 (kisha)” mean “Your firm/company”. The basic way to use it is “御社/貴社は___です。(Your firm/company is ___)”, etc. For instance, “御社/貴社はすばらしいです。(Your firm/company is great)”, etc. The tips for using them are that “御社” is used as a SPOKEN WORD in business situations as formal and “貴社” is used as a WRITING WORD in business situations as formal. The writing word means “e-mail”, so when a business person writes an e-mail, he/she would use “貴社(Your firm/company)” and when a business person talks to other business people in a meeting or something, he/she would use “御社“. For example, A talking situation: “御社に興味があります。(I am interested in your company.)”. A business e-mail situation; “貴社に興味があります。(I am interested in your company.)”.
御社ではどのような業務を主に扱っていますか? (What kind of services does your company offer?) (贵公司主要的业务是什么?) (귀사는 어떤 업무를 주로 취급하고 있습니까?) (Công việc chính của bạn trong công ty là gì?) (onsha dewa dono yōna gyōmu wo omoni atsukatte imasu ka?)
御社の意見をお聞かせください。 (We’d like to hear your firm’s view.) (请告诉我们贵公司的意见。) (귀사의 의견을 들려주세요.) (Xin vui lòng cho chúng tôi biết ý kiến của công ty quý ngài.) (onsha no iken wo okikase kudasai.)
貴社の製品はとても興味深いです。 (Your new product is very interesting.) (我们对贵公司的产品非常有兴趣。) (귀사의 제품은 매우 흥미롭습니다.) (Tôi rất có hứng thú với sản phẩm của quý công ty.) (kisha no seihin wa totemo kyōmi bukai desu.)
貴社の商品の購入を検討しています。 (Hello, I’m interested in purchasing your products.) (我们正在考虑购买贵公司的产品。) (귀사의 제품 구입을 고려하고 있습니다.) (Chúng tôi đang xem xét việc mua sản phẩm của công ty quý ngài.) (kisha no shōhin no kōnyū wo kentō shite imasu.)
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