“kyō” vs “honjitsu” vs “tōjitsu”:to Use Them Means “Today”?


kyō” vs “honjitsu” vs “tōjitsu“:to Use Them Means “Today”?

What is the difference between “今日きょう(kyō), 本日ほんじつ(honjitsu) and 当日とうじつ(tōjitsu)”? How to use them which means “Today”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

今日きょう (kyō) / 本日ほんじつ (honjitsu)

Today / 今天 / 오늘 / Hôm nay

今日きょう(kyō) and 本日ほんじつ(honjitsu)” mean “Today” and which has been used as the meaning of “on the present day”. The basic way to use it is “わたし今日きょう/本日ほんじつ___をする。(I ___ today.)”, “今日きょう/本日ほんじつわたしは___をする。(Today, I ___)”, etc. For instance, “わたし今日きょう/本日ほんじつ学校がっこうく。(I go to school today.)”, “今日きょう/本日ほんじつわたしはピザをべる。(Today, I eat pizza.)”, etc. The tips for using these are that “今日きょう” is used in daily conversations as “CASUAL” and “本日ほんじつ” is used in business situations as “FORMAL” that doesn’t mean “今日きょう” is not rude to talk to a person who you just met, your teachers, etc. “本日ほんじつ” is formal and used by official situations such as opening ceremonies, speeches, etc. Even when you talk to your boss who you get along with, you would be able to use “今日きょう“, again “今日きょう” is the not rude word, rather “本日ほんじつ” is formal. Everybody could use “今日きょう” both in daily conversations as casual and in business situations as formal such as “今日きょう学校行がっこういった?(Did you go to school today?)” and “今日きょう会社かいしゃった?(Did you go to work today?)” and “今日きょう会社かいしゃきましたか?(Did you go to work today?)”.

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今日きょう学校行がっこういった? (Did you go to school today?) (你今天上学了吗?) (오늘 학교 갔어?) (Hôm nay bạn có đi học không?) (kyō, gakkō itta?)


今日きょう会社かいしゃきましたか? (Did you go to work today?) (你今天去上班了吗?) (오늘은 회사에 갔습니까?) (Hôm nay bạn đã đến công ty chứ?) (kyō wa kaisha ni ikimashita ka?)


今日きょう予定よていは? (What are your plans for today?) (你今天有什么计划?) (오늘의 예정은?) (Kế hoạch của hôm nay là gì?) (kyō no yotei wa?)


本日ほんじつのゲストはトム・クルーズです! (Today’s special guest is Tom Cruise!) (今天的嘉宾是汤姆克鲁斯!) (오늘의 손님은 톰 크루즈입니다!) (Vị khách của ngày hôm nay là Tom Cruise!) (honjitsu no gesuto wa tomu kurūzu desu!)


本日ほんじつ外出がいしゅつしております。 (I’m out all day.) (我今天要外出。) (오늘은 외출하고 있습니다.) (Hôm nay tôi đang đi ra ngoài.) (honjitsu wa gaishutsu shite orimasu.)


本日ほんじつ担当たんとうをさせていただく田中たなかもうします。 (Hello, my name is Tanaka, I will be your staff for today.) (我是今天的负责人,我叫田中。) (오늘 담당하는 다나카라고 합니다.) (Tôi là Tanaka, người sẽ phụ trách ngày hôm nay.) (honjitsu, tantō wo sasete itadaku tanaka to mōshimasu.)

当日とうじつ (tōjitsu)

That day, The day / 当天 / 당일 / Ngày hôm đó

当日とうじつ(tōjitsu)” means “That day or The day ” and which has been used as the meaning of “a day you described”. The basic way to use it is “わたし当日とうじつ___をするつもりです。(I will ___ that/the day.)”, “わたし当日とうじつ___をしました。(I ___ that/the day.)”, etc. For instance, “わたし当日とうじつそのほんうつもりです。(I will buy the book that/the day.)”, “わたし当日とうじつそのほんをしました。(I bought the book that/the day.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “当日とうじつ” is used as “FUTURE and PAST sentence.” Everybody could use “当日とうじつ” both in daily conversations as casual and in business situations as formal such as “当日とうじつはらうね! (I will pay for it on that day!)” and “当日とうじつはらいます!(I would pay for it on that day!)”.



当日とうじつはらうね! (I’ll pay for it on that day!) (当天付款哦!) (당일에 지불할게!) (Ngày hôm đó tôi sẽ trả tiền nhé!) (tōjitsu harau ne!)


当日とうじつまでに用意よういするものってなに (What things do I have to prepare by the day?) (到当天要准备什么东西?) (당일까지 준비해야하는 건 뭐야?) (Những thứ cần chuẩn bị trước ngày hôm đó là gì vậy?) (tōjitsu made ni yōi suru mono tte nani?)


来週らいしゅう旅行りょこうくんだー。当日とうじつのために、今日きょうから準備じゅんびするよ。 (I’ll go on a trip next week and I’ll prepare for it for the day from today.) (我下周要去旅行。为了那天,我今天要开始准备。) (다음주는 여행 가. 그 날을 위해 오늘부터 준비할거야.) (Tuần tới tôi sẽ đi du lịch. Tôi sẽ chuẩn bị cho ngày hôm đó từ hôm nay đấy.) (raishū wa ryokō ni iku nda-. tōjitsu no tame ni, kyō kara junbi suru yo.)


先週せんしゅう旅行りょこうったよ。でも、当日とうじつあめってたんだ。 (I went on a trip last week, but the day was raining.) (我上周去旅行了。但那天下雨了。) (지난주 여행 갔었어. 하지만 당일은 비가 오고 있었어.) (Tuần trước tôi đã đi du lịch đấy. Nhưng mà ngày hôm đó trời lại mưa.) (senshū, ryokō ni itta yo. demo, tōjitsu wa ame ga futteta nda.)

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