勤める vs. 働く: Improving Word Choice in Sentences
What is the difference between “勤める(tsutomeru) and 働く(hataraku)”? They have subtle differences. Which words do native speakers feel polite: “勤める or 働く”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!
勤める (tsutomeru)
Work for / Work at / 工作 / 근무하다 / Làm việc
“勤める(tsutomeru)” means “Work for or Work at” and which has been used as the meaning of “to work at a company or an organization. It is not used for a self-employed”. So after using “勤める”, you have to say the place or a company’s name where you have been working or would work. The basic way to “勤める” is “私は___に勤めます。” such as “私グーグルに勤めます。(I work at Google.)” or “私は___に(○○年間)勤めています。” such as “私グーグルに(3年間)勤めています。(I’ve been working at Google (for three years).)” Furthermore using “勤める” sound pretty formal than using “働く”.
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日本の商社に勤めています。 (I work for a Japanese trading company.) (我在日本的一家贸易公司工作。) (일본 상사에서 근무하고 있습니다.) (Tôi đang làm việc cho một công ty thương mại của Nhật Bản.) (nihon no shōsha ni tsutomete imasu.)

メーカーに勤めています。 (I work for a manufacturing company.) (我在制造商工作。) (제조회사에서 근무하고 있습니다.) (Tôi đang làm việc ở một xưởng sản xuất. ) (mēkā ni tsutomete imasu.)

外資系の企業に勤めたいです。 (I would like to work for a foreign company in the future.) (我想在外资公司工作。) (외국계 기업에서 근무하고 싶습니다.) (Tôi muốn làm việc ở công ty có vốn đầu tư nước ngoài.) (ga ishi kei no kigyō ni tsutome tai desu.)

来年からグーグルで勤めます。 (I will start working at Google next year.) (我将从明年开始在谷歌工作。) (내년부터 구글에서 근무합니다.) (Tôi sẽ làm việc tại Google từ năm sau.) (rainen kara gūguru de tsutome masu.)
働く (hataraku)
Work / 上班 / 일하다 / Làm việc
“働く(hataraku)” means simply “Work” and which has been used as the meaning of “a person uses physical or mental effort to do, usually for money which is including a self-employed”. So after using 働く, you would be able to say not only the place or a company’s name where you have been working or would work but the starting time of the company such as “___時から働く” which means “I work from ___ am.”, the ending time of the company as “___時まで働く” which means “I work until ___ pm.”. Furthermore although both of “勤める” and “働く”, you would be able to say “___に/で勤める” and “働く”, again using “勤める” is pretty formal than using “働く”. You might want to say “勤める” in public, however, “働く” is not only the casual meaning though, but it could also be used as the formal as well.

日本で働きたい! (I wanna work in Japan!) (我想在日本工作!) (일본에서 일하고 싶어!) (Tôi muốn làm việc ở Nhật Bản!) (nihon de hataraki tai!)

大学卒業したらどこで働くの? (Where are you going to start working after graduating from university?) (你大学毕业之后在哪里工作?) (대학 졸업 후 어디서 일해?)(Sau khi tốt nghiệp đại học bạn sẽ làm việc ở đâu?) (daigaku sotsugyō shitara doko de hataraku no?)

東京で働いてるよ! (I work in Tokyo!) (我在东京工作!) (도쿄에서 일하고 있어!) (Tôi đang làm việc ở Tokyo đấy.) (tōkyō de hataraite ru yo!)

旅行会社で働きたいな! (I want to work for a travel agency.) (我想在旅行社工作!) (여행 회사에서 일하고 싶어!) (Tôi muốn làm việc tại một công ty du lịch!) (ryokō gaaisha de hataraki tai na!)
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