“tsudu ku” vs. “tsudu keru”:Use Them Confidently and Fluently


“tsudu ku” vs. “tsudu keru”:Use Them Confidently and Fluently

What is the difference between “つづく(tsudu ku) and つづける(tsudu keru)”? They have subtle differences. When you want to say “I want to continue doing ____” in Japanese, which is the correct sentence: わたしは___をつづく or わたしは___をつづける? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

つづく(tsudu ku) / つづける(tsudu keru)

Continue/Go on/ Keep / 持续/继续 / 연속/계속하다 / Tiếp tục/Kéo dài

Both “つづく and つづける” mean “Continue and Go on” which have been used as the meaning of “If someone or something continues to do something, they keep doing something and do not stop.” however, the basic way to use them is different, because “つづく” is “an intransitive verb” and “つづける” is “a transitive verb”, thus “___(something)は/がつづく” and “___(someone)は/が___(something)をつづける”. For instance, “あつつづく(The hot days continue)”, 沈黙ちんもくつづく(The silence continues.)”, “この状態じょうたいつづく(This situation continues.)”, 友情ゆうじょうつづく(a friendship will continue), etc. And (わたしは)勉強べんきょうつづける(I continue studying), (わたしは)仕事しごとつづける(I continue working.), (わたしは)まもつづける(I continue to protect.), etc.

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たのしいイベントがつづくよ! (I have a marathon of happy events.) (开心的活动将持续不停呦!) (즐거운 이벤트가 계속 되요!) (Những sự kiện hấp dẫn vẫn đang diễn ra đấy!)


沈黙ちんもくつづいたね。 (The silence continued.) (保持着沉默。) (침묵이 계속 되는데.) (Sự im lặng vẫn kéo dài nhỉ.)


ながつづがしないなー。 (I have a feeling that this won’t last long.) (我可不觉得会持续很久呢。) (오래 갈 생각이 안드는데?) (Tớ thấy không được lâu nữa đâu!)


東京とうきょう2週間にしゅうかんあめつづいています。 (It’s been raining for two weeks in Tokyo.) (东京居然两个星期都在下雨。) (도쿄는 2주 동안 비가 내리고 있습니다.) (Tokyo trời mưa liên tục hai tuần nay.)


つづけるかまよってるの! (I can’t decide whether to continue or not.) (我在纠结还能不能继续下去!) (계속할지 말지 고민중이야!) (Tớ đang phân vân không biết có nên tiếp tục không!)


ゆかのおかげで日本語にほんご勉強べんきょうつづけることができたよ! (Thanks to you, I was able to continue practicing Japanese.) (多亏了由香我才能够继续学习日语哦!) (유카 덕분에 일본어 공부를 계속 할 수 있었어!) (Nhờ có Yuka mà tớ đã có thể tiếp tục việc học tiếng Nhật đấy!)


なんでここをえらんだの? (Why did you choose here?) (你为什么会选择这里?) (왜 여기를 선택했어?) (Sao cậu lại chọn chỗ này vậy?)


つづけやすいからだよ! (Because it’s easy to continue!) (那是因为易于继续啊!) (계속하기 편하기 때문이야!) (Tại dễ làm lâu dài ấy mà!)

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