How To Correctly Write Your Name In Japanese
In Japanese, foreign names are normally written in the phonetic katakana alphabet. So, you might want to remember the katakana alphabet first of all to write your name. However, once you have remembered the katakana alphabet, you could easily write your name down to the documents. Did you know telling and writing your name in Japanese is totally opposite in English? Let me introduce how to correctly write and tell your name in Japanese today!
氏名 (simei) / フルネーム (furune-mu)
Full name
氏名 can also be called フルネーム as well and both are the same meaning. And we, Japanese do not have our middle name, however, if you have the middle name such as “Mark Elliot Zuckerberg” (マーク・エリオット・ザッカーバーグ), it would be written and said ザッカーバーグ・マーク・エリオット by Japanese.
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氏名を教えていただけますか? (May I know your full name?) (能请你告诉我你的名字吗?) (성함을 알려주시겠어요?) (Bạn có thể cho tôi biết tên của bạn không?)

鈴木たつやです。 (My name is Tatsuya Suzuki.) (我是铃木达也。) (스즈키 타츠야입니다.) (Tôi là Suzuki Tatsuya.)

このお笑い芸人のフルネームを教えてくれない? (Can you tell me this comedian’s full name?) (你能告诉我这个搞笑艺人的全名吗?) (이 개그맨 풀 네임 좀 알려줄래?) (Nói tớ biết tên đầy đủ của diễn viên hài này này đi.)

フルネーム?えーっと、名字しかわかんない。 (Full name? Well… I know only his family name.) (全名?那个,我只知道姓氏。) (풀 네임이요? 음, 성밖에 모르는데.) (Họ tên đầy đủ hả? Hmn, Tớ chỉ biết họ thôi.)
名字 (myouji) / 苗字 (myouji)
Last name / Family name
名字 and 苗字 are the same meaning which depends on who people write. However, the Japanese official day on February 13th is designated as 名字の日 by the Japanese government. So 名字 is common and casual than 苗字. By the way, maiden name is 旧姓 and is used only for married women because after getting married, their last name would be changed to their partner’s one.

ゆかの名字って何だっけ? (What is Yuka’s family name again?) (Yuka的姓是什么?) (유카 성이 뭐더라?) (Họ của Yuka là gì ấy nhỉ?)

香川だよー。 (My family name is 香川.) (是香川呢。) (카가와야.) (Là Kagawa đó.)

たつやのお母さんの旧姓って何? (What is your mom’s maiden name?) (Tatsuya母亲的娘家姓是什么?) (타츠야 너희 어머니 결혼 전 성은 뭐야?) (Họ thời con gái của mẹ Tatsuya là gì vậy?)

多分、佐藤だったと思う。 (I guess, it was Satou.) (大概,是叫佐藤。) (아마 사토일걸?) (Hình như là Sato.)
名前 (namae)
First name
名前 means “first name”, however, some natives speakers sometimes use 名前 as the meaning of 氏名(full name) and they call “下の名前“(first name) and “上の名前“(last name). Although these are not official, they sometimes use them. An honorific word of 名前 is お名前 which has been used as the business and public situations.

あの人って名前なんだっけ・・・ (What was that guy’s first name again?) (那个人的名字是……) (저 사람 이름이 뭐더라…) (Cái người đó tên là gì ấy nhỉ?)

ともやだよ。 (His name is Tomoya.) (是tomoya呢。) (토모야야.) (Là Tomoya đấy.)

お名前を教えていただけますか? (Would you tell me what your name is?) (能请你告诉我你的名字吗?) (이름을 알려주시겠어요?) (Bạn có thể cho tôi biết tên của bạn không?)

香川ゆかです。 (My first name is Yuka Kagawa.) (是香川优香。) (카가와 유카예요.) (Tôi là Kagawa Yuka.)
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