Difference Between TALK, SPEAK, SAY in Japanese


Difference Between TALK, SPEAK, SAY in Japanese

What is the difference between “talk”, “speak” and “say” in Japanese? I’d say you might have been getting confused in using “はなす(hanasu)”, “しゃべる(shaberu)” and “う(iu)”. And the way to use them might have been complicated. Let me introduce how you correctly use “はなす”, “しゃべる” and “う” today!

はなす (hanasu)


はなす(hanasu)” means “Talk” and when using “はなす”, someone needs a person who is listening to what he/she is talking about and a person is also talking to him/her with each other. The tip for using it is that when using “はなす” is necessary “A PERSON someone is talking to”. That is the most difference between them.

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昨日きのう親友しんゆう電話でんわはなしたよ。 (I talked with my best friend on the phone yesterday.) (昨天我和好朋友通了电话。) (어제, 친구랑 전화했어.) (Hôm qua tớ đã gọi điện với bạn thân đấy.) (kinō, shin’yū to denwa de hanashita yo.)


いま彼女かのじょはなしてるから、あとでいい? (I’m talking with my girlfriend so can it wait?)(我现在在和她说话,等会儿好吗?) (지금 여자친구랑 얘기 중이니까, 나중에 하면 안 될까?) (Tớ đang nói chuyện với bạn gái, để lát được không?) (ima kanojo to hanashiteru kara, ato de ī?)


オリンピックについてはなそうよ! (Let’s talk about Olympics.)(我们来谈谈奥运会吧!) (올림픽에 대해 말해 보자!) (Mình nói chuyện về Thế vận hội đi!) (orinpikku ni tsuite hanasou yo!)

しゃべる (shaberu)


しゃべる(shaberu)” means “Speak” and “しゃべる” is often used as something one-side situations which are speeches, languages, etc. A person who is listening to what he/she is speaking however who isn’t talking to him/her with each other, unlike “はなす”, just listening to. The tip for using it is “although there is a person, it is one-side situation” which means the others listening to what someone is speaking.



もうすこしゆっくりしゃべれますか (Could you speak more slowly?) (你能说慢点儿吗?) (조금 더 천천히 말해 줄 수 있어요?) (Bạn có thể nói chậm hơn một chút được không?) (mōsukoshi yukkuri shabere masuka?)


おとうと4ヶ国語よんかこくごしゃべれるよ。 (My younger brother can speak four languages.) (我弟弟会说四国语言呢。) (동생은 4개 국어를 말할 수 있어.) (Em trai tớ có thể nói được 4 thứ tiếng đó.) (otōto wa yon ka goku go wo shabereru yo.)


教頭先生きょうとうせんせい地球温暖化ちきゅうおんだんかについてしゃべりました (A vice‐principal spoke about global warming.) (教导主任说了有关全球暖化的事。) (교감 선생님은 지구 온난화에 대해 얘기하셨어요.) (Thầy hiệu trưởng đã nói về sự nóng lên toàn cầu.) (kyōtō sensei wa chikyū ondanka ni tsuite shaberi mashita.)

う (iu)


う(iu)” means “Say” which isn’t necessarily a person unlike “はなす” and “しゃべる”. Someone is just saying something. The tip for using “う” is to pay attention to “what someone said”.



えっ?なんて(ったの)? (What? What did you say?) (啊?什么?) (뭐? 뭐라고?) (Hả? Nói cái gì cơ?) (e? nanite (itta no)?)


今日きょうさぁ、きなおれに「おはよう」って、ったんだ。 (Today, the girl who I have a crush on said ”Good morning” to me.) (今天呢,我喜欢的人对我说“早上好”。) (오늘 있잖아, 좋아하는 아이가 ‘안녕’ 하고 인사해 줬어.) (Hôm nay ấy, cái bạn mà tớ thích đã nói ”Chào buổi sáng” với tớ.) (kyō sa, sukina ko ga ore ni `ohayō’ tte, itta nda.)


店員てんいんなにわなかったよ。 (The clerk didn’t say anything to me.) (店员什么都没说。) (점원은 아무 말도 안 했어.) (Nhân viên quán đâu có nói gì đâu.) (ten’in wa nani mo iwa nakatta yo.)

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