The Nuance of すっかり: How to Use It In A Sentence
There are a lot of meanings of “Completely” in Japanese. One of them is “すっかり(sukkari)” and have you heard すっかり before? すっかり can be translated to “Completely”, however, the word of すっかり has a nuance. Let me introduce how you correctly use すっかり today!
Completely / Totally
“すっかり(sukkari)” means “Completely and Totally”. The tips for using it are that すっかり is used as the meaning of “SOMEONE DOESN’T PAY ATTENTION TO SOMETHING and BEFORE HE/SHE KNOWS IT” That’s what the point of using “すっかり” is. The basic way to use it is “私はすっかり___する。(I completely/totally ___)”, etc. For instance, “私はすっかり彼の名前を覚えた。(I completely remembered his name.)” which nuance is that you didn’t keep in mind his name, however, you have completely remembered his name, probably you met him a lot or his name is the same as your father’s name and so on. What about “私はすっかり道を覚えた。(I completely remember roads.)”? Did you figure this nuance out? Probably, the roads you have been using every day to go to school or your company. Again, “すっかり” has the meaning of “SOMEONE DOESN’T PAY ATTENTION”. And “すっかり” is used with the past tense. Everyone could use “すっかり” as casual, polite and formal such as “すっかり道を覚えたよ。(I completely remember roads.)” as casual and “すっかり道を覚えました。(I completely remember roads.)” as polite and formal.
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テストが終わるとすっかり気が緩むー。 (I totally got relaxed after exams are over.) (考完试我彻底轻松了。) (테스트가 끝나니까 완전히 긴장 풀린다~.) (Làm xong bài kiểm tra là thoải mái xõa rồi.) (tesuto ga owaru to sukkari ki ga yurumu-.)
車の免許の更新をすっかり忘れてたよ。 (I totally forgot to renew my driver’s license.) (我完全忘了更新我的驾照。) (운전면허증 갱신을 까맣게 잊고 있었어.) (Tớ quên béng phải gia hạn giấy phép lái xe rồi.) (kuruma no menkyo no kōshin wo sukkari wasure teta yo.)
あ、宿題するのすっかり忘れてた! (Oh, I completely forgot to do my homework.) (啊,我完全忘了做作业!) (아, 숙제하는 거 완전히 잊고 있었어!) (A, tớ quên béng mất là có bài tập rồi.) (a, shukudai suru no sukkari wasure teta!)
この人の名前はすっかり覚えたよ。 (I completely remembered this guy’s name.) (啊,我完全忘了做作业!) (아, 숙제하는 거 완전히 잊고 있었어!) (A, tớ quên béng mất là có bài tập rồi.) (kono hito no namae wa sukkari oboeta yo.)
怪我はすっかり良くなったよ。 (I have completely recovered from my injury.) (伤势已经完全好了。) (상처는 말끔하게 좋아졌어.) (Vết thương của tớ đỡ hẳn rồi.) (kega wa sukkari yoku natta yo.)
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