“sunao” vs. “shōjiki“:What is The Difference Between Them?
Is it still difficult for you to explain the difference between 素直(sunao) and 正直(shōjiki)? Although these words are one of complicated words, they have clear differences. After figuring them out, why don’t you practice how to use them? Let me introduce what their differences are today!
素直 (sunao)
Obedient (Honest)
“素直(sunao)” means “Obedient” and which has been used as the meaning of “doing, or willing to do, what you have been told to do by someone in authority”. The basic way to use it is “___は素直だ。(___ am/is/are obedient.)”, etc. For instance,“弟は素直だ。(My younger brother is obedient.)”, etc. The tips for using it is that“素直(sunao)” has been used as the meaning of “UNDOUBTEDLY DO WHAT SOMEONE TELL”, unlike “正直“. Everyone could use“素直(sunao)” as casual, polite and formal such as “弟は素直だよ。(My younger brother is obedient.)” as casual and “弟は素直です。(My younger brother is obedient.)” as polite and formal. Although some people use “素直” is used as the same meaning of “正直“, again basically “素直” means “Obedient”.
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素直だね。 (You are obedient.) (你很诚实。) (솔직하네.) (Cậu thành thật thật đó.) (sunao dane.)

メールだと素直になれるよ。 (I can be honest when I text you.) (在发邮件的时候,就会变得坦率。) (글로 대화하면 솔직해지는 법이에요) (Nhắn tin thì tớ có thể dám nói thẳng hơn.) (mēruda to sunao ni nareru yo.)

もっと素直だったんだけどなー。 (I used to be more obedient though.) (以往更坦率呢。) (좀 더 순순했었는데 말야.) (Hồi trước còn thành thật hơn bây giờ cơ.) (motto sunao datta ndakedo na-.)

親に素直になった方がいいよ。 (You gotta be obedient to your parents.) (你最好向父母坦白。) (부모님께는 솔직해지는 편이 좋아) (Cậu nên vâng lời cha mẹ.) (oya ni sunao ni natta hō ga ī yo.)
正直 (shōjiki)
“正直(shōjiki)” means “Honest” and which has been used as the meaning of “telling the truth or able to be trusted and not likely to steal, cheat, or lie”. The basic way to use it is “___は正直だ。(___ am/is/are honest.)”, etc. For instance, “弟は正直だ。(My younger brother is honest.)”, etc. The tips for using it is that “正直” has been used as the meaning of “TO TELL THE TRUTH”, unlike “素直“. Everyone could use “正直” as casual, polite and formal such as “弟は正直だよ。(My younger brother is honest.)” as casual and “弟は正直です。(My younger brother is honest.)” as polite and formal. So, some people are “正直, however, they are not sometimes “素直“.

正直にいうと、あのケーキ好きじゃなかったんだ。 (To be honest, I didn’t like that wine.) (说实话,我不喜欢那个蛋糕。) (솔직히 말하자면, 그 케이크는 좋아하지 않았어.) (Nói thật là tớ không thích cái bánh đó.) (shōjiki ni iu to, ano kēki sukija nakatta nda.)

正直に話してよ。 (Tell me the truth.) (请说实话。) (솔직하게 말해 봐.) (Cậu nói thật đi nào.) (shōjiki ni hanashite yo.)

正直に言ってくれてありがとう。 (Thank you for being honest.) (谢谢你的诚实。) (솔직하게 말해줘서 고마워.) (Cám ơn cậu đã nói thật với mình.) (shōjiki ni itte kurete arigatō.)

友達とうまくやるには、正直になることが大切だよ。 (It’s very important to be honest to get along with your friends.) (要和朋友进行得顺利,正直坦率很重要哦。) (친구와 사이 좋게 지내려면 솔직해지는게 가장 중요해.) (Trung thực là điều quan trọng để giữ quan hệ tốt với bạn bè đấy.) (tomodachi to umaku yaru niwa, shōjiki ni naru koto ga taisetsu dayo.)
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