Are You Ready For Using いがい and あんがい?


Are You Ready for using 意外いがい and 案外あんがい?

When the results were different than you thought, then you would use 意外いがい and 案外あんがい, however, these are quite similar words each other. I’d say some people are struggling to improve how to use it. So in this time, let me introduce for everybody using 意外いがい and 案外あんがい clearly.

意外いがい (igai)

___than I thought / Surprise / Surprisingly

意外いがい originally means that the big difference results than you thought and you are surprised about it. Natives basically use ほ〜 when being surprised about something or someone said than they thought. 意外いがい is used as a much surprised word for Natives than 案外あんがい.

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おー!ひさしぶりじゃん!ここでうなんて意外いがいだねっ! (Oh!! What have you been up to? What a surprise to see you here!) (嗨 好久不见啊!没想到会在这里见面!) (와, 오랜만이야! 여기서 만나다니 신기하네!) (Ôi! Chẳng phải lâu lắm mới gặp anh sao? Không ngờ chúng ta lại gặp nhau ở đây nhỉ!)

えっ、マジ?料理りょうりできるとかちょう意外いがいなんだけどっ! (What? For real? I’m so surprised that you’re good at cooking, huh?) (咦,真的吗?! 你会做料理真的让我很意外呢!) (와, 요리를 잘 한다니 정말 의외인데?) (Ớ! thật á! Tôi thật không ngờ cậu nấu ăn được đấy!)

ほ〜。2030ねんには日本人にほんじんの1/3が高齢者こうれいしゃなんて意外いがいだったなー。 (Wow, it was surprising to me that one-third of Japanese are elderly people In 2030.) (哇~ 想不到2030年日本人 中有三分之一的人将是老年人啊。) (오… 2030년에는 일본인의 3분의 1이 고령자라니, 의외네..) (Ô hô! Đến năm 2030, 1/3 dân số Nhật Bản là người già thật là chuyện không ngờ nhỉ!)

案外あんがい (angai)

___than I thought

案外あんがい originally means that a little bit different results than you thought and you are not surprised about it or it is just only tiny surprising. Natives basically use へ〜 when a little bit different results someone said than they thought.


先週せんしゅう期末きまつテストは案外あんがいむずかしくなかったよ!意外いがい満点まんてんだったりして? (The final exam last week that I took wasn’t so difficult than I thought. It might be surprisingly a perfect score.) (上周的期末考试没想到一点也不难呢 竟然得了满分!) (지난 주의 기말 테스트는 생각보다 어렵지 않았어! 의외로 만점 받는 거 아냐?) (Bài kiểm tra cuối kỳ tuần trước đã khó hơn sơ với dự kiến đấy! Không ngờ tớ lại được điểm tuyệt đối!)

へ〜。2030ねんには日本人にほんじんの1/3が高齢者こうれいしゃかー。案外あんがいおおいかな? (I see. One-third of Japanese are elderly people In 2030. It’s pretty many than I thought.) (欸 2030年日本人 三分之一会是老年人?真是出乎意料的多啊。) (음… 2030년에는 일본인의 3분의 1이 고령자라니… 생각보다 꽤 많네…) (Hơ, năm 2030, 1/3 dân số Nhật Bản là người già à! Thật là ngoài dự tính nhỉ!)

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List of comments (2)

  • Thank you! Using ほ~ and へ~ to show the difference made it very easy to understand, super intuitive. Haven’t seen this approach elsewhere.
    I’ll keep your site bookmarked in case I’m confused about anything else in the future.

    • Hi Progeusz
      Thank you for your great comment and for reading and bookmarking our site. We’re really happy to hear that. I hope that you would figure out the Japanese deeply with this site. We keep writing valuable posts for you guys studying Japanese!

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