“chikai” vs. “chikaku”: I’ll Teach Only You The Difference


“chikai” vs. “chikaku”: I’ll Teach Only You The Difference

ちかい (chikai)” and “ちかく (chikaku)” which might have been one of the complicated words for you guys. However, you would be clear about it from today! Let me introduce how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

ちかい(chikai) / ちかく(chikaku)

Close, Near / 近, 近 / 가깝다, 가까이 / Rất gần, Gần đó

ちかい (chikai)” and “ちかく (chikaku)” mean “Close or Near” which has been used as the meaning of “not far away in distance”. The difference between “ちかい” and “ちかく” is that when people use “ちかい” in the sentence such as “えきからいえまでちかい”, they just focus on “the distance”. Whereas when people use “ちかく” in the sentence such as “いええきちかくにある”, they focus on “the place where the house is”. If they want to explain “the distance”, “ちかい” is used and if they want to explain “the place”, “ちかく” is used. For instance, “公園こうえんちかい(The park is near.)”: they want to explain the distance. “ちかくの公園こうえん(The neighborhood of park)”: they want to explain “the park”.

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えきからいえまでちかよ。 (My house is close to the station.) (车站离我家很近。) (역에서 집까지 가까워.) (Từ ga về nhà gần lắm!) (eki kara ie made chikai yo.)

よくいえちか公園こうえんでジョギングしてるよ。 (I often go jogging in a park near my house.) (我经常在离我家很近的公园慢跑。) (자주 집에서 가까운 공원에서 조깅해.) (Tớ thường đi bộ ở công viên gần nhà.) (yoku ie ni chikai kōen de jogingu shiteru yo.)

ここからちかところにんでるの? (Do you live near from here?) (你住在附近吗?) (여기에서 가까운 데에 사는 거야?) (Bạn sống gần đây hả?) (kokokara chikai tokoro ni sunderu no?)

ちか場所ばしょにスーパーができてうれしいよ。 (I’m happy to have a supermarket opened nearby.) (很高兴在附近开了一家超市。) (가까운 곳에 슈퍼가 생겨서 기뻐.) (Tớ rất vui vì gần nhà vừa xây một siêu thị.) (chikai basho ni sūpā ga dekite ureshī yo.)

いええきちかにあるよ。 (My house is close to the station.) (我家离火车站很近哦。) (집은 역 근처에 있어.) (Nhà tớ ở gần ga đấy!) (ie wa eki no chikaku ni aru yo.)

よくいえちか公園こうえんでジョギングしてるよ。 (I often go jogging in a park near my house.) (我经常在我家附近的公园慢跑。) (자주 집 근처 공원에서 조깅해.) (Tớ thường đi bộ ở công viên gần nhà.) (yoku ie no chikaku no kōen de jogingu shiteru yo.)

このちかんでるの? (Do you live near here?) (你住在附近吗?) (이 근처에 살아?) (Bạn đang sống gần đây hả?) (kono chikaku ni sunderu no?)

ちかにスーパーができてうれしいよ。 (I’m happy to have a supermarket opened near by.) (很高兴在附近开了一家超市。) (근처에 슈퍼가 생겨서 기뻐.) (Tớ rất vui vì gần nhà vừa xây một siêu thị.) (chikaku ni sūpā ga dekite ureshī yo.)

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