調子どう and 元気:You’d Be Using Depending On People
After seeing your friends, what kind of phrases do you usually use? Among our friends, we basically use “調子どう” or “元気“, however, what is the difference between “調子どう” and “元気“? Let me introduce the difference between them and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!
調子どう? (choushi dou)
How’s it going? / 怎么样 / 어떻게 지내? / Bạn khỏe không?/Bạn thấy thế nào?
“調子どう?” means “How’s it going?” and which has been used as the meaning of “A casual greeting used by an individual or group or individuals addressing the other individual. It is often used “こんにちは!調子どう?”, “よぉ!調子どう?”, etc. However, when meeting a person who you met for the first time or you don’t get along with, using “調子はいかがですか?(How are you?)” would be better and which is more polite than “調子どう?”. The answers for it are “いいよ(Very well.)”, “結構いい感じだよ(Pretty good!), “まぁまぁかな(Not bad.)”, 特に変わらないよ(Not much.), etc.
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あっ、たつや!調子どう? (How’s it going?) (啊,达也!你状态如何?) (아, 타츠야! 컨디션 어때?) (A, Tatsuya! Dạo này thế nào?)

結構いい感じだよ! (Pretty good!) (感觉挺好的!) (꽤 좋아!) (Tớ khá ổn!)

おっ、ゆか!調子どう? (Hey, Tatsuya! How’s it going?) (嘿,由香!还好吗?) (우와, 유카! 컨디션 어때?) (A, Yuka! Dạo này thế nào?)

まぁまぁかな。 (Not bad.) (还行。) (그냥 그래.) (Tàm tạm.)
元気? (genki)
How are you doing? / 好吗 / 잘 지내 / Khỏe mạnh
“元気?” means “How are you doing?” and which has been used as the meaning of “it is a simple inquiry as to someone’s health. It literally asks that person, in effect how they feel and/or how is the status of their physical and/or mental health”. “元気?” is just a little casual than “調子どう?” even they are quite similar though. “お元気ですか?(How are you?)” is pretty formal than “元気?(How are you doing?)” The answers for it are the same as “調子どう?” that are “いいよ(Very well.)”, “結構いい感じだよ(Pretty good!), “まぁまぁかな(Not bad.)”, 特に変わらないよ(Not much.), etc.

あっ、たつや!元気? (Hi,Tatsuya! How are you doing?) (哦,达也!你好吗?) (아, 타츠야! 잘 지내?) (A, Tatsuya! Khỏe không?)

特に変わらないよ。 (Not much.) (还是老样子。) (그냥 똑같아.) (Vẫn vậy à!)

おっ、ゆか!元気? (Hey, Tatsuya! How are you doing?) (嘿,由香!你好吗?) (우와, 유카! 잘 지내?) (A, Yuka! Khỏe không?)

結構いい感じだよ! (Pretty good!) (很不错啊!) (꽤 좋아!) (Tớ khá ổn!)
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