You don’t still know “ikeru” and “ikukoto” ? You Must Know Now


You don’t still know “ikeru” and “ikukoto” ? You Must Know Now

What is the difference between “ける(ikeru) and くことができる(ikukoto ga dekiru)”? Which is usually used by native speakers? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

ける(ikeru) and くことができる(ikukoto ga dekiru)

I can go. / 能去, 我可以去 / 갈 수 있다, 갈 수 있다 / Tôi có thể đi, Tôi có thể đi

ける(ikeru) and くことができる(ikukoto ga dekiru)” means “I can go.”. The basic ways to use them are that “わたしは___にける/くことができる。(I can go to ___.)”, etc. For instance, “わたしえきける/くことができる。(I can go to the station.)”, “わたし図書館としょかんける/くことができる。(I can go to the library.)”, “わたしはそこにける/くことができる。(I can go there.)”, etc. The tips for using them are that “ける” which native speakers usually use in daily conversations as casual, polite and formal. and “くことができる” is kind of a writing word. So, when talking to someone, you might want to use “ける” instead of “くことができる”. It’s not only “ける”, there is a lot such as “できる(I can do.) and することができる(I can do.)”, “ける(I can write.) and くことができる(I can write.)”, “うたえる(I can sing.) and うたうことができる(I can sing.)”, etc. Although we can figure out if you say “歌うことができる(I can sing.)”, it’s not natural. “うたえる(I can sing.)” sounds natural. Everyone could use “ける” as casual, polite and formal such as “そこにける/けるよ。(I can go there.)” as casual and “そこにける/けます。(I can go there.)” as polite and formal.

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およげる? (Can you swim?) (你会游泳吗?) (수영할 수 있어?) (Bạn có biết bơi không?)


うん、およげるよ。 (Yeah, I can swim.) (嗯,我会游泳。) (응, 수영할 수 있어.) (Vâng, tôi có thể bơi.)


日本語にほんごけますが、はなせないです。 (I can write Japanese but I can’t speak Japanese very well.) (我能写日语,但我不会说。) (일본어를 쓸 수는 있지만, 말할 수는 없습니다.) (Tôi có thể viết được tiếng Nhật, nhưng tôi không thể nói.)


できますか? (Can you do that?) (你能做到吗?) (할 수 있습니까?) (Bạn có thể làm được không?)


チケットはインターネットで購入こうにゅうできます。 (Tickets can be purchased online.) (门票可以在网上买。) (티켓은 인터넷으로 구입할 수 있습니다.) (Vé có thể mua được trên mạng.)


チケットはインターネットで購入こうにゅうすることができます。 (Tickets can be purchased online.) (门票可以在互联网上购买。) (티켓은 인터넷으로 구입이 가능합니다.) (Vé có thể mua được trên mạng.)


日本語にほんご流暢りゅうちょうはなせるようになりたいです。 (I want to be able to speak Japanese fluently.) (我希望自己能练出一口流利的日语。) (일본어를 유창하게 말하고 싶습니다.) (Tôi muốn có thể nói chuyện tiếng Nhật một cách trôi chảy.)


ごめん。今日きょうけないよ。 (I’m sorry. I can’t go today.) (抱歉,我今天去不了。) (미안해, 오늘은 못 가.) (Xin lỗi. Hôm nay tôi không thể đi được.)

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