いる vs. はいる:Can’t You Say What Their difference Is?


いる vs. はいる:Can’t You Say What Their difference Is?

What is the difference between “いる(iru) and はいる(hairu)”? Which is used as the meaning of “enter”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

___にいる(ni iru)

I am/You are/He is/ She is at ___ / 在 / 있다 / Ở

“___にいる(ni iru)” means “I am/You are/He is/ She is at ___”. The basic ways to use it is that “わたしは___にいる。(I am ___.)”, etc For instance, “わたしえきにいる。(I am at the station.)”, “かれはスーパーにいます。(He is at the supermarket.)”, “友達ともだち部屋へやにいます。(One of my friends is in his/she room.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “SOMEONE IS AT/IN SOMEWHERE.”, unlike “はいる”. Everyone could use “いる” as casual, polite and formal such as “えきにいたよ。(I was at the station.)” as casual and “えきにいました。(I was at the station.)” as polite and formal.

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どこにいたの? (Where were you?) (你刚才在哪里?) (어디 있었어?) (Bạn đã ở đâu vậy?)


部屋へやにいたよ。 (I was in my room.) (我在房间里。) (방에 있었어.) (Tôi đã ở trong phòng đấy.)


空港くうこうにいました。 (I was in the airport.) (我在机场。) (공항에 있었습니다.) (Tôi đã ở sân bay.)


東京とうきょうにいました。 (I was in Tokyo.) (我曾在东京。) (도쿄에 있었습니다.) (Tôi đã ở Tokyo.)

はいる (hairu)

Enter, Go into, Fit, etc / 进入 / 들어가다 / Đi vào

はいる(hairu)” means “Enter, Go into, Fit, etc” and which has been used as the meaning of “to come or go into a particular place”. The basic ways to use it is that “わたしは___にはいる。(I enter/go into ___.)”, etc For instance, “わたしはおみせはいる。(I enter/go into the store.)”, “わたしはあの建物たてものはいる。(I enter/go into that building.)”, “わたしはこのエリアにはいる。(I enter/go into this area.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “はいる” is used as the meaning of “SOMEONE ENTER SOMEWHERE OR SOMETHING FITS IN SOMEWHERE”, unlike “いる”. Everyone could use “はいる” as casual, polite and formal such as “おみせはいったよ。(I entered/went into the store.)”, “おみせはいりました。(I entered/went into the store.)” as polite and formal.



部屋へやはいったよ。 (I went into the room.) (我进过房间。) (방에 들어갔어.) (Tôi đã vào phòng rồi đấy.)


トランクにこのはこみっはいりますか? (Will three boxes fit in your car?) (车尾箱放得下三个行李箱吗?) (트렁크에 이 상자 3개가 들어가나요?) (Có cho 3 cái hộp này vào trong cốp xe không?)


これはいりますか? (Does this fit in?) (这个放得下吗?) (이거 들어가나요?) (Đi vào đây hả?)


なかはいろうよ。 (Let’s go inside.) (我们进去吧。) (안으로 들어가자.) (Chúng ta hãy đi vào trong.)

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