めずらしい vs. まれ:You Must Know Study Them Right Now!


めずらしい vs. まれ:You Must Know Study Them Right Now!

What is the difference between “めずらしい(mezurashii) and まれ(mare)”? Which is often used in daily conversations? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

めずらしい (mezurashii) and まれ (mare)

Rare, Not very common / 少见, 稀有,罕见 / 희귀하다, 보기 드물다 / hiếm có, hiếm có

“めずらしい(mezurashii) and まれ(mare)” mean “Rare or Not very common” and which has been used as the meaning of “very unusual”. The basic ways to use it are that “___はめずらしい/まれだ。(___ is rare./___ is not very common.)”, etc. For instance, “それはめずらしい/まれだ。(That’s is rare.)”, “このケーキはめずらしい/まれだ。(This cake is rare.)”, “このくるまはめずらしい/まれだ。(This car is not very common./___ is rare.)”, etc. The tips for using them are that basically, they are the same meaning, however, “めずらしい” is often used in daily conversations as casual, polite and formal. And “まれ” is used as polite and formal. So, “まれ” sounds a little bit formal. I usually hear “めずらしい” from Japanese than “まれ”. Everyone could use them as casual and polite such as “このくるまはめずらしいよ。(This car is rare.)” as casual and “このくるまはめずらしいです/まれです。(This car is rare.)” as polite and formal.

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あのケーキってめずらしいよね?べたいなー。 (That cake is rare, isn’t that? I wanna have it.) (那蛋糕很少见对吧?我好想吃它。) (그 케이크 좀처럼 보기 힘들지? 먹고 싶네~) (Cái bánh đó rất hiếm đúng không nhỉ? Tôi muốn ăn nó quá đi.)


このくるまはめずらしいですか? (Is this car rare?) (这车很少见吗?) (이 차는 희귀한가요?) (Chiếc xe hơi này rất hiếm phải không?)


東京とうきょうでこんなにゆきるなんてめずらしいです。 (It’s rare to see this much snow in Tokyo.) (在东京很少见会下那么大的雪。) (도쿄에서 이렇게 눈이 오는 건 드문 일입니다.) (Rất hiếm khi tuyết rơi nhiều thế này ở Tokyo.)


それはめずらしいね。 (That’s very rare.) (这很少见呢。) (그거 참 신기하네요.) (Điều đó thật là hiếm có nhỉ.)


まれにかけます。 (I rarely go out.) (我很少出门。) (아주 가끔씩 나가겠습니다.) (Tôi hiếm khi ra ngoài.)


それはまれですね。 (That’s very rare.) (这很罕见。) (그거 참 보기 드문 일이네요.) (Điều đó thật là hiếm nhỉ.)

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