見る vs. 観る:Do You Know Which is “Watch” and “SEE”?
What is the difference between “見る(miru) and 観る(miru)”? Which is used as the meaning of “watch”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!
見る (miru)
See / 看见 / 보다 / Xem, thấy
“見る(miru)” means “See” and which has been used as the meaning of “to be conscious of what is around you by using your eyes”. The basic ways to use it are that “私は___を見る。(I see ___.)”, etc For instance, “私は彼を見る。(I see him.)”, “私は友達を見る。(I see my friend.)”, “私は歌手を見る。(I see a singer.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “見る” is used as the meaning of “SOMETHING THAT COMES INTO THE SIGHT THAT WE WEREN’T LOOKING FOR”, unlike “観みる”. Everyone could use “見みる” as casual, polite, and formal such as “歌手を見たよ。(I saw a singer.)” as casual and “歌手を見ました。(I saw a singer.)” as polite and formal.
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1時間前に、コンビニの前で先生を見たよ。 (I saw my teacher in front of a convenience store one hour ago.) (一小时前,我在便利店门口看到老师了。) (1시간 전에 편의점 앞에서 선생님 봤어.) (Tôi đã nhìn thấy giáo viên ở trước cửa hàng tiện lợi một tiếng trước.)

さっきレイを見たよ。 (I saw Rei a while ago.) (我刚才见到雷了。) (아까 레이 봤어.) (Tôi vừa thấy Rei lúc nãy.)

よく見えません・・・ (I can’t see it well…) (我看不太清楚……) (잘 안 보입니다…) (Tôi không nhìn thấy rõ…)

ついさっき、泥棒を見たよ。 (I saw a burglar just while ago.) (我刚才看到了一个小偷。) (방금 전에 도둑 봤어.) (Vừa mới nãy, tôi vừa mới nhìn thấy một tên trộm đấy.)
観る (miru)
Watch / 观看 / 관람하다 / Xem, thấy
“観る(miru)” means “Watch” and which has been used as the meaning of “to look at something especially TV or movies for a period of time, and pay attention to what is happening.”. The basic ways to use it are that “私は___を観る。(I watch ___.)”, etc For instance, “私はテレビを観る。(I watch TV.)”, “私は映画を観る。(I watch a movie.)”, “私はユーチューブを観る。(I watch YouTube.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “観る” is used as the meaning of “TO LOOK AT SOMETHING CAREFULLY, ESPECIALLY TV AND MOVIES”, unlike “見る”. Everyone could use “見る” as casual, polite and formal such as “映画を観たよ。(I watched a movie.)” as casual and “映画を観ました。(I watched a movie.)” as polite and formal.

昨日は家で映画を観てたよ。 (I watched a movie at home yesterday.) (我昨天在家看了一部电影。) (어제는 집에서 영화 봤어.) (Hôm qua tôi đã ở nhà xem phim đấy.)

昨日、野球の試合観ました。 (I watch a baseball game yesterday.) (我昨天观看了棒球比赛。) (어제 야구 경기를 관람했습니다.) (Hôm qua tôi đã xem một trận bóng chày.)

お母さんは朝からずっとテレビを観ています。 (My mom has been watching TV since morning.) (我母亲从早上一直在看电视。) (엄마는 아침부터 계속 TV를 보고 있습니다. ) (Mẹ tôi xem ti vi suốt từ sáng đến giờ.)

まだユーチューブ観てるの? (Are you still watching Youtube?) (你还在看YouTube吗?) (아직 유튜브 보는 거야?) (Bạn vẫn còn đang xem Youtube hả?)
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