“moshi” vs. “manga ichi”:Which Do You Often Use?


“moshi” vs. “manga ichi”:Which Do You Often Use?

What is the difference between “もし(moshi) and まんがいち(manga ichi)”? Which is used as the meaning of “in case”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

もし (moshi)

If / 如果 / 만약 / Nếu

“もし(moshi)” means “If” and which has been used as the meaning of a particular thing can or will happen only after something else happens”. The basic ways to use it are that “もし___なら/たら、A。(If ___, A.)”, etc. For instance, “もし明日あしたあめなら、イベントは中止ちゅうしします。 (If it rains tomorrow, the event will be canceled off.)”, “もし仕事しごとはやわったら、参加さんかするよ。(If I finish work early, I will join you.)”, “もし質問しつもんがあったらいいます。(I’ll let you know, if I have any questions.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “もし” is used as the meaning of “AN EVENT OR SITUATION MIGHT HAPPEN, OR MIGHT HAVE HAPPENED”, unlike “まんがいち”. Everyone could use “もし” as casual, polite and formal such as “もし仕事しごとはやわったら、参加さんかするよ。(If I finish work early, I will join you.)” as casual and “もし仕事しごとはやわったら、参加さんかします。(If I finish work early, I will join you.)” as polite and formal.

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もしったらどうなるの? (If you were to get drunk, what would happen?) (你喝醉的时候会怎么样?) (만약에 취하면 어떻게 되는 거야?) (Nếu tôi say thì sẽ trở nên như thế nào nhỉ?)


もし仕事しごとはやわったら、参加さんかします。 (If I finish work early, I will join you.) (如果工作能早点结束,我就参加。) (만약 일이 빨리 끝나면, 참가하겠습니다.) (Nếu công việc kết thúc sớm thì tôi sẽ tham gia.)


もし日本語にほんご流暢りゅうちょうはなせたら、日本人にほんじん友達ともだちつくりたいです。 (If I could speak Japanese fluently, I’d like to make Japanese friends.) (如果我能说流利的日语,我很想认识来自日本的朋友。) (만약 일본어를 유창하게 말할 수 있다면, 일본인 친구를 만들고 싶습니다.) (Nếu tôi có thể nói tiếng Nhật trôi chảy, tôi muốn kết bạn với người Nhật.)


もしからなかったら、うよ。 (If I’m not sure about it, I’ll let you know.) (如果有不明白的地方,我再问你。) (만약에 모르면, 말해.) (Nếu không hiểu thì tôi sẽ nói.)

まんがいち (manga ichi)

If by any chance, (Just) In case / 万一 / 만에 하나 / Nếu lỡ

“まんがいち(manga ichi)” means “If by any chance or (Just) In case” and which has been used as the meaning of “to protect against something bad that could happen”. The basic ways to use it are that “まんがいち___のために/そなえて、A。(If by any chance___, A./ In case ___, A.)”, etc. For instance, “まんいちこの訂正ていせい間違まちがえている場合ばあいはご連絡下れんらくください。(If by any chance the revised version is incorrect, please contact us./ In case the revised version is incorrect, please let us know.)”, “まんいちそなえてべつのプランをてています。(I am making another plan just in case.)”, “まんいちそなえて準備じゅんびしている。(I’m preparing just in case.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “もし” is used as the meaning of “A PARTICULAR THING HAPPENS WHICH YOU DON’T HOPE”, unlike “もし”. Everyone could use “まんがいち” as casual, polite and formal such as “まんいちそなえてべつのプランをててるよ。(I am making another plan just in case.)” as casual and “まんいちそなえてべつのプランをてています。(I am making another plan just in case.)” as polite and formal.



まんいちこの訂正ていせい間違まちがえている場合ばあいはご連絡下れんらくください。 (If by any chance the revised version is incorrect, please contact us.) (万一这个订正有误的话,请联系我们。) (만에 하나 이 정정이 틀렸을 경우에는 연락 부탁드립니다.) (Nếu lỡ như có trường hợp bản chỉnh sửa này vẫn còn sai sót thì xin vui lòng liên hệ lại với chúng tôi.)


まんいちそなえてべつのプランをてています。 (I am making another plan just in case.) (如有万一,我们还有另一个计划。) (만일에 대비하여 다른 계획을 세우고 있습니다.) (Để phòng trường hợp bất trắc không may, chúng tôi có lập một kế hoạch khác.)


まんいちそなえて準備じゅんびしてるよ。 (I’m preparing just in case.) (为了以防万一,我会做好周全的准备。) (만일에 대비해서 준비하고 있어.) (Chúng tôi đang chuẩn bị cho trường hợp nếu lỡ có điều gì bất trắc không may xảy ra.)


まんいちガソリンスタンドがどこも夜中よなかまっているときのため、ガソリンをタンにしといたよ。 (I filled up my gas tank just in case the gas stations were all closed late at night.) (我会给车加满油,以防晚上没有加油站开门。) (만에 하나라도 한밤중에 모든 주유소가 닫혔을 때를 대비해 휘발유를 가득 채워놨어.) (Để phòng khi nếu lỡ như các trạm xăng chỗ nào cũng đóng cửa vào ban đêm nên tôi đã đổ xăng đầy bình.)

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