“deki reba” vs. “moshi yoroshi kereba”:Which is Much Polite?


“deki reba” vs. “moshi yoroshi kereba”:Which is Much Polite?

What is the difference between “できれば(deki reba) and もしよろしければ(moshi yoroshi kereba)”? Which could You use in going out? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

もしよろしければ ___ (moshi yoroshi kereba___)

If you’d like ___ / 如果你不介意 / 만약 괜찮으시다면 / Nếu cần/được/không phiền

“もしよろしければ___(moshi yoroshi kereba___)” means “If you’d like” and which has been used as the meaning of “to make an offer or suggestion and for politely asking if someone agrees with a suggestion”. The basic way to use it is “もしよろしければ___したいのですが。(I’d like to ___ if you’d like.)”, “もしよろしければ___してください。(Please ___ if you’d like.)”, “もしよろしければ___していただけませんか?(Would you mind ___ if you’d like?)”, etc For instance, “もしよろしければおやすみをいただきたいのですが。(I’d like to take a day off, if you’d like.)”, “もしよろしければ、お電話でんわくださいませ。(Please give us a call if you’d like.)”, “もしよろしければお電話でんわしていただけませんか?(Would you mind giving me a call if you’d like?)”, etc. The tips for using it is that “もしよろしければ___ is the much POLITE WAY TO USE IN BUSINESS SITUATIONS”. The casual way to use it is “(もし)よかったら___” such as “よかったら電話でんわしてくれない?(Give me a call, if you can.)”. When being in business situations, why don’t you use “もしよろしければ ___”? Native speakers think you are polite.

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もしよろしければ、ご試着しちゃくください。 (If you would like, you can try it on.) (如果您不介意的话,请试穿一下。) (만약 괜찮으시다면, 입어보셔도 되세요.) (Nếu thấy được thì xin quý khách hãy mặc thử!) (moshi yoroshi kereba, goshichaku kudasai.)

もしよろしければ、お電話でんわくださいませ。ご質問しつもんにおこたえいたします。 (Please give us a call if you’d like. We can answer more questions.) (如果你不介意,请打电话给我。我们将回答您的问题。) (만약 괜찮으시다면 전화 주십시오. 문의사항에 답변해 드리겠습니다.) (Nếu không phiền xin hãy gọi cho chúng tôi. Chúng tôi sẽ giải đáp những thắc mắc của bạn.) (moshi yoroshi kereba, odenwa kudasai mase. goshitsumon ni okotae itashimasu.)

もしよろしければ来月3日間らいげつみっかかんやすみをいただきたいのですが。 (I’d like to take three days off next month if you’d like.) (如果你不介意的话,我想下个月休息三天。) (만약 괜찮다면 다음달 3일간 휴가를 받고싶습니다만.) (Nếu được thì tháng sau tôi muốn xin nghỉ phép 3 ngày… ) (moshi yoroshi kereba, raigetsu mikkakan oyasumi wo itadakitai nodesuga.)

もしよろしければ今週末こんしゅうまつうかがいしたいのですが。 (If you’d like, I’d like to visit you this weekend.) (如果你不介意的话,我想在这个周末去拜访你。) (만약 괜찮으시다면 이번 주말에 찾아뵙고 싶습니다만.) (Nếu bạn không phiền thì cuối tuần này tôi muốn đến thăm… ) (moshi yoroshi kereba, kon shūmatsu oukagai shitai nodesuga.)

できれば ___ (deki reba____)

If you can, ___ / If possible, ___ / 如果你能 / 가능하다면 / Nếu bạn có thể

できれば ___(deki reba____) ” means “If you can” and which has been used as the meaning of “to make an offer or suggestion and for politely asking if someone agrees with a suggestion”. The basic way to use it is “できれば___したいのですが。(I’d like to ___ if you can/like.)”, “できれば___してください。(Please ___ if you can/like.)”, “できれば___していただけませんか?(Do you mind ___ if you can/like?)”, etc For instance, “できればおやすみをいただきたいのですが。(I’d like to take a day off, if you like.)”, “できれば、お電話でんわくださいませ。(Please give us a call if you can.)”, “できればお電話でんわしていただけませんか?(Do you mind giving me a call if you can?)”, etc. The tips for using it is that “できれば___ is the POLITE WAY TO USE IN BOTH CASUAL AND BUSINESS SITUATIONS”. So, although “もしよろしければ” and “できれば” are the almost the same meaning, “もしよろしければ” is much polite than “できれば” which is used in daily conversations as casual as well.


できれば電話でんわいただけませんか? (Do you mind giving me a call, if you can?) (如果可能的话,能请你给我打电话吗?) (괜찮으시면 전화주실 수 있으시나요?) (Nếu có thể thì bạn gọi điện thoại cho tôi được không?) (dekireba odenwa itadake masen ka?)

できれば6時ろくじまでにレポートをわらしていただけませんか? (If possible, could you finish the report by 6 PM?) (如果可能的话,能请你在6点之前完成报告嗎?) (가능하다면 6시까지 리포트를 끝내주실 수 있나요?) (Nếu có thể thì bạn hoàn thành báo cáo trước 6 giờ giúp tôi được không?) (dekireba roku ji made ni repōto wo owara shite itadake masen ka?)

できればすぐにてれない? (If possible, can you come right away.) (如果可以你能马上过来吗?) (가능하면 바로 올 수 있어?) (Nếu có thể thì bạn đến ngay giúp tôi được không?) (dekireba sugu ni ki terenai?)

できれば手伝てつだっていただきたいのですが。 (I’d like you to help me, if you can.) (如果可能的话,我想请您帮忙。) (괜찮다면 도와주실 수 있나요?) (Nếu có thể tôi muốn bạn giúp tôi một tay…) (dekireba tetsudatte itadakitai nodesuga.)

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