むすこ vs. こども:You Need To Know How To Use Them!


むすこ vs. こども:You Need To Know How To Use Them!

What is the difference between “息子むすこ (musuko) and 子供こども (kodomo)”? Which is used as the meaning of “son”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

息子むすこ (musuko)

Son / 儿子 / 아들 / Con trai

息子むすこ(musuko)” means “Son” and which has been used as the meaning of “Someone’s son is their male child”. The basic ways to use it are that “わたし息子むすこは___。(My son is ___.)”, etc. For instance, “わたし息子むすこ日本語教師にほんごきょうしだ。(My son is a Japanese teacher.)”, “わたし息子むすこ野球選手やきゅうせんしゅだ。(My son is a baseball player.)”, “あね息子むすこはまだ2才にさいだ。(My sister’s son is still 2 yeras old.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “息子むすこ” is used when a person say “MY SON”. It’s not “my baby”, “my daughter”, etc. Everyone could use “息子むすこ” as casual and polite such as “息子むすこ日本語教師にほんごきょうしだよ。(My son is a Japanese teacher.)” as casual and “息子むすこ日本語教師にほんごきょうしです。(My son is a Japanese teacher.)” as polite and formal.

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ねえちゃんの息子むすこはまだ3才さんさいだよ。 (My sister’s son is still 3 years old.) (我姐姐的儿子才3岁。) (언니의 아들은 아직 3살이야.) (Con trai của chị gái tôi mới được 3 tuổi thôi.)


先生せんせい息子むすこはプログラマーです。 (My teacher’s son is a programmer.) (我老师的儿子是程序员。) (선생님의 아들은 프로그래머입니다.) (Con trai của giáo viên của tôi là một lập trình viên.)


息子むすこさんはなにをされてますか? (What does your son do?) (你儿子在做什么工作?) (아드님은 무슨 일을 합니까?) (Con trai bạn đang làm gì vậy?)


あのひと息子むすこ有名ゆうめいだよ。 (That guy’s son is famous.) (那个人的儿子很有名。) (그 사람의 아들은 유명해.) (Con trai của người đó rất nổi tiếng đấy.)

子供こども (kodomo)

Child, Kids / 孩子 / 아이 / Trẻ con, con

子供こども(kodomo)” means “Child / Kids” and which has been used as the meaning of “a boy or girl from the time of birth until he or she is an adult”. The basic ways to use it are that “わたし子供こどもは___。(My children/kids are ___.)”, etc. For instance, “わたし子供こども日本語教師にほんごきょうしだ。(My kids are Japanese teachers.)”, “わたし子供こども野球選手やきゅうせんしゅだ。(My kids are baseball players.)”, “あね子供こどもはまだ2才にさい3才さんさいだ。(My sister’s children are still 2 and 3 years old.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “子供こども” is used as the meaning of “MORE THAN TWO SOMEONE’S CHILDREN or JUST CHILD”, unlike “息子むすこ“. Everyone could use “子供こども” as casual and polite such as “あね子供こどもはまだ2才にさい3才さんさいだよ。(My sister’s children are still 2 and 3 years old.)” as casual and “あね子供こどもはまだ2才にさい3才さんさいです。(My sister’s children are still 2 and 3years old.)” as polite and formal.



ねえちゃんの子供こどもはまだ2才にさい3才さんさいだよ。 (My sister’s kids are still 2 and 3 years old.) (我姐姐的孩子才一个2岁,一个3岁。) (언니 애들은 아직 2살, 3살이야.) (Các con của chị gái tôi mới được hai tuổi với ba tuổi thôi.)


あに子供こどもたちに野球やきゅうおしえています。 (I teach baseball to children.) (我在教我哥哥的孩子们打棒球。) (형의 애들한테 야구를 가르치고 있습니다.) (Tôi đang dạy bóng chày cho các con của anh trai tôi.)


あそこに子供こども2人ふたりいます。 (There are 2 children over there.) (那边有两个孩子。) (저쪽에 아이가 2명 있습니다.) (Có hai đứa trẻ ở đằng kia.)


4人よにん子供こどもがいるよ。 (I have four children.) (我有四个孩子。) (애들이 4명 있어.) (Tôi có bốn đứa con.)

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