パート vs. アルバイト:They Mean “Part-Time Job” But…


パート vs. アルバイト:They Mean “Part-Time Job” But…

What is the difference between “パート(pa-to) and アルバイト(arubaito)”? Which is used for “housewives”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

パート (pa-to) and アルバイト (arubaito)

Part time job / 钟点工, 兼职工作 / 파트타이머, 아르바이트 / làm việc bán thời gian / Công việc bán thời gian, làm thêm

“パート(pa-to) and アルバイト(arubaito)” mean “Part-time job” and which has been used as the meaning of “a form of employment that carries fewer hours per week than a full-time job”. Although they are the same meaning, they have subtle differences which “パート” is basically used for “housewives” who work as part-time job and the working time of them is for 2 to 4 house. Whereas “アルバイト” is basically used for without “housewives” such as younger people or people are the 30s, 40s, or even 50s who don’t work as full time and the working time of them is for 4 to 8 house. That’s what their differences are. So, if you are a housewife, you would be “パート” and you won’t be able to work longer like “アルバイト” people working for 5, 6 hours. Because you have to take care of your children or have household chores as well. The basic ways to use them are that “___はパート/アルバイトをする。(___ work a part-time job.)”, etc. For instance, “わたしはパート/アルバイトをする。(I work a part-time job.)”, “かれはパート/アルバイトをする。(He works a part-time job.)”, “はははパート/アルバイトをする。(My mother works a part-time job.)”, etc. Everyone could use “パート/アルバイト” as casual, polite and formal such as “パート/アルバイしてる。(I work a part-time job.)” as casual and “パート/アルバイトしています。(I work a part-time job.)” as polite and formal. Additionally, native speakers tend to use “バイト” instead of “アルバイト” and “バイト” is used as casual and polite, “アルバイト” is used as polite and formal.

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かあさんはパートしてるよ。 (My mom works a part-time job.) (我妈妈是一位钟点工。) (엄마는 파트타이머로 일하고 있어.) (Mẹ tôi đang làm việc bán thời gian.)


おとうとはアルバイトをしています。 (He works a part-time job.) (我弟弟在打工。) (남동생은 아르바이트를 하고 있습니다.) (Em trai tôi đang làm thêm.)


にいちゃんはアルバイトをしています。 (My brother works a part-time job.) (我哥哥在打工。) (오빠는 아르바이트를 하고 있습니다.) (Anh trai tôi đang làm thêm.)


むかし、おかあさんはパートだったよ。 (My mother used to work a part-time job.) (我妈妈以前是个钟点工。) (옛날에 엄마는 파트타이머로 일했어.) (Ngày xưa, mẹ tôi đã là một người làm việc bán thời gian đấy.)


バイトにくね。 (I’m going to work.) (我去打工啦。) (알바 갈게.) (Tôi đi làm thêm đây.)


大学時代だいがくじだいにカフェでアルバイトをしていました。 (I worked part-time at a cafe when I was in college.) (我读大学的时候在一家咖啡馆里打工。) (대학생 때 카페에서 아르바이트를 했습니다.) (Lúc học đại học, tôi đã làm thêm ở một tiệm cà phê.)


昨日きのう、バイトの友達ともだちあそびました。 (I hung out with a friend from my part-time job.) (我昨天和打工的朋友一起出去玩了。) (어제 같이 알바하는 친구들과 놀았습니다.) (Hôm qua, tôi đã đi chơi với bạn ở chỗ làm bán thời gian của tôi.)


明日あしたはバイトだよ。 (I’ve got work tomorrow.) (我明天要打工。) (내일 알바 있어.) (Ngày mai tôi đi làm thêm đấy.)

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