パパ vs お父さん vs 父 vs 父親: What is the Difference?


パパ vs おとうさん vs ちち vs 父親ちちおや: What is the Difference?

I can’t get what they’re different…

I’d say you’ve got pretty complicated the word choice of “パパ(papa)”, “とうさん(otousan)”, “ちち(chichi)” and “父親ちちおや(chichioya)”. You will be able to choose which word is better for you in daily conversation and in public after reading this.

Let me introduce how to easily use papa, otousan, chichi and chichioya !

パパ(papa) / おとうさん(otousan) / ちち(chichi) / 父親ちちおや(chichioya)

Daddy/Dad/Father , 爸爸/爸/家父/父亲 , 아빠/아버지/아버지/부친 , Bố ơi/Bố/Bố ơi/Bố của tôi/Người bố

“パパ(papa), おとうさん(otousan), ちち(chichi) and 父親ちちおや(chichioya)” mean “Daddy, Dad or Father”.

The tips for using papa, otousan,chichi andchichioya are:

“パパ(papa)” is used as a pretty child’s word like Daddy.

“おとうさん(otousan)” is used as someone’s father which is informal like Dad.

ちち(chichi)” is used as someone’s father which is formal and individual like Father.

父親ちちおや(chichioya)” is used as someone’s father which is formal and a role of a Father.

For instance :パパ(papa)” and“おとうさん(otousan)”

パパきびしい。 (My Daddy is strict.) (papa wa kibishii)

とうさんきびしい。 (My Dad is strict.) (otousan wa kibishii)

“パパ(papa)” is a pretty childish word, so after being 13 to 15 years old, we don’t normally use “パパ(papa)” rather we use “おとうさん(otousan)” or “とうさん(tousan)” to our friends.とうさん(tousan)” sounds a little boyish. So if you’re a girl or a woman, you could use“おとうさん(otousan)” is better.

I normally useとうさん(tousan)” to my friends.

For instance :ちち(chichi)” and父親ちちおや(chichioya)”

ちちきびしい。 (My father is strict.) (chichi wa kibishii)

父親ちちおやきびしい。 ((Basically), A father is strict.) (chichioya wa kibishii)

This is what the role of a father means. So, we Japanese speakers normally use “ちち(chichi)” than “父親ちちおや(chichioya)“. Remember that some Japanese people use父親ちちおや(chichioya)” likeちち(chichi)” though.

I normally useちち(chichi)” in public and business situations.

Basically, they’re different, but you know, that’s what a language is. So, you might want to useちち(chichi)” in public. And父親ちちおや(chichioya)” can be used as a role of a father.

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とうさん仕事しごとなに (What does your dad do?) (你父亲的工作是什么?) (아버지 직업은 뭐야?) (Công việc của bố bạn là gì?)otōsan no shigoto wa nani?

父親ちちおや昨日きのうあたらしいくるまいました。 (My father bought a new car.) (我父亲昨天买了一辆新车。) (아버지께서 어제, 새 차를 사셨습니다.) (Hôm qua bố tôi đã mua một chiếc xe hơi mới.)chichioya ga kinō, atarashī kuruma wo kai mashita.

パパかえってきたかな!? (Is that daddy!?) (爸爸应该会回来了吧!?) (아빠 왔을까나?!) (Bố đã về chưa nhỉ!)papa kaette kita kana!?

ちち仕事しごと建築家けんちくかです。 (My father is an architec.) (我父亲的工作是建筑师。) (아버지 직업은 건축가입니다.) (Công việc của bố tôi là kiến ​trúc sư.)chichi no shigoto wa kenchikuka desu.

ちち来週東京らいしゅうとうきょうきます。 (I’m gonna go to Tokyo with my father next week!) (下周要和父亲一起去东京。) (아버지와 다음주 도쿄에 갑니다.) (Tôi sẽ đi Tokyo với bố vào tuần tới.)chichi to raishū Tōkyō ni iki masu.

父親ちちおや学校がっこう先生せんせいです。 (My father is a school teacher.) (我父亲是学校老师。) (아버지는 교사입니다.) (Bố tôi là một giáo viên.)chichioya wa gakkō no sensei desu.

パパがこれってくれたの! (My daddy bought this for me!) (爸爸给我买了这个!) (아빠가 이거 사주셨어!) (Bố đã mua cái này cho tớ đó!)papa ga kore katte kureta no!

とうさんやさしいよ。 (My dad is kind.) (爸爸很温柔。) (아버지는 상냥하셔.) (Bố tớ hiền lắm.)otōsan wa yasashī yo.

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