料理 vs. 調理: Don’t Get Complicated About These
Did you know what the difference between “料理” and “調理“? They sound quite similar and might have made you complicated. However, they have some different nuances. Let me introduce how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!
料理 (ryouri) / 調理 (chouri)
Cooking, Dish/The process of cooking / 烹饪/煮饭 / 요리/조리 / Thức ăn,Món ăn/Chế biến
“料理” has two meanings which are “Cooking or Dish” and “調理” means “the PROCESS of cooking”. “調理” is emphasized the meaning of “the PROCESS of cooking” so at the restaurant where you could choose the word “調理” because chefs cook the dishes. And at home where you could choose the word “料理“. Furthermore, although “調理” has one meaning which is “the PROCESS of cooking” such as a fishmonger fillet a fish. And “料理” has two meanings which are “To cook” including “the process of cooking” and “Dish” as well.
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趣味は料理をすることです。 (My hobby is cooking.) (我的兴趣是做饭。) (취미는 요리 에요.) (Sở thích của tôi là nấu ăn.)

魚を調理して切り身にしてくれませんか? (Can you fillet a fish?) (你可以帮我杀好鱼然后切片吗?) (생선을 조리해서 잘라주실래요?) (Bạn có thể giúp tôi làm sạch cá rồi cắt phi lê được không?)

魚の一番美味しい調理法は何? (What is the most delicious cooking method of fish?) (鱼的最好吃的烹調方法是什么?) (생선의 가장 맛있는 조리법은 뭐야?) (Công thức nấu món cá ngon nhất là gì?) (Không phải Sushi sao?)

すしじゃない? (I suppose it’s Sushi.) (难道不是寿司吗?) (초밥 아니야?) (Không phải Sushi sao?)

この料理はどれくらいの大きさですか? (How big is this food?) (这道菜有多大盘?) (이 요리는 어느 정도의 크기에요?) (Món ăn này lớn cỡ nào vậy?)

この料理は日本で人気なの? (Is this dish popular in Japan?) (这道菜在日本很受欢迎吗?) (이 요리는 일본에서 인기 있어?) (Món này có nổi tiếng ở Nhật không?)

調理法が良くないよ。まずっ。 (I think the cooking method isn’t good. Tastes bad.) (烹调方法不好。真难吃。) (조리법이 좋지 않아. 맛없어.) (Cách nấu không đúng rồi. Dở quá!)

手抜き料理だね。 (That’s a lazy cook.) (随便做的料理。) (날림 요리구나.) (Món ăn tự làm nhỉ.)
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