Simple Rule To Use “taikutsu” and “tsumaranai”


Simple Rule To Use “taikutsu” and “tsumaranai”

It is common sense to use 退屈たいくつ(taikutsu) when we get bored. On the other hand, do you explain what つまらない(tsumaranai) means? つまらない is also used as the meaning of “bored”. So that’s why some Japanese learners have been confused. However, Natives use both 退屈たいくつ and つまらない depending on how situations are. In this time, let me introduce what the difference between both 退屈たいくつ and つまらない are.

退屈たいくつ (taikutsu)

I’m bored because I have nothing to do. / Leisure

(taikutsu) means “There is nothing to do” and “just waste of time”, even if someone wants to do something or is interested in it such as a lesson and a job because he/she is done or knows most of them, so he/she has to spend the remaining time of the lesson or the job or etc. For example at the hospital where someone sometimes has to wait quite a long time before seeing a doctor and this is what one of the wastes of time is. That means someone has to spend a lot of time before doing something. So that’s why he/she got 退屈たいくつ(bored).

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今日きょうやることないし、仕事しごと退屈たいくつだよ。 (I’m so bored of my job because I have nothing to do.) (今天也没要做的事情,工作很无聊呀。) (오늘 할 일도 없고, 일은 지루해~) (Phiền phức ghê! Đừng có hỏi những câu hỏi ngớ ngẩn nữa.) (kyō yaru koto naishi, shigoto ga taikutsu dayo.)

バスをっているあいだ退屈たいくつだなー。 (Waiting for a bus is boring.) (等巴士的时候好无聊啊。) (버스를 기다리는 시간은 지루해..) (Thời gian chờ đợi xe buýt nhàm chán ghê!) (basu wo matte iru aida wa taikutsu dana-.)

なにもすることがなく退屈たいくつときはマンガをんでいます。 (I read Manga when I’m bored because I have nothing to do.) (无事可做又无聊的时候会看 漫画书。) (아무것도 할 게 없고 심심할 때는 만화를 읽어요.) (Lúc nào nhàm chán không có việc gì làm thì tôi đọc truyện tranh.) (nani mo suru koto ga naku taikutsu na toki wa manga wo yonde imasu.)

つまらない (tsumaranai)

I’m bored because it is uninteresting. / Snooze

Unlike 退屈たいくつ(taikutsu), つまらない(tsumaranai) is used as the meaning of that someone doesn’t want to do something anymore because he/she is not interested in it. For example, as parents push something to you, someone pushes you to listen to music which is not your type and so on. So that’s why he/she feels つまらない(bored).


この映画えいがつまらないなー。 (This movie is uninteresting.) (这部电影好没意思啊。) (이 영화 시시하네.) (Bộ phim này nhàm chán ghê!) (kono eiga tsumaranai na-.)

ぶっちゃけ、教頭先生きょうとうせんせいはなしっていつもながくてつまらないよね? (I’m not going to lie, a vice principal’s story is always longer and snooze.) (说真的 校长讲话总是又长又无聊。) (솔직히, 교장 감 선생님의 말씀은 항상 길고 재미없어. ) (Nói thật chứ,Câu chuyện của thầy phó hiệu trưởng ý, lúc nào cũng dài và nhàm chán nhỉ!) (butcha ke, kyōtō sensei no hanashi tte itsumo nagakute tsumaranai yo ne?)

仕事しごとつまらないよ。 (I’m bored of my job because it is uninteresting.) (工作真没劲儿。) (일이 지루해.) (Công việc nhàm chán lắm ý.) (shigoto ga tsumaranai yo.)

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