How to Use そろそろ and もうすぐ Most People Don’t Know


How to Use そろそろ and もうすぐ Most People Don’t Know

“そろそろ(sorosoro) and もうすぐ” might have been pretty confusing words for Japanese learners, but don’t worry about it. It’s not that difficult to figure them out. After reading this, your Japanese skill will improve! Let me introduce how you correctly use そろそろ and もうすぐ today!


It’s about time

“そろそろ(sorosoro)” is “It’s about time”, so it means NEAR FUTURE than “もうすぐ”. What is the difference between “そろそろ電車でんしゃる” and “もうすぐ電車でんしゃる?” Although they are quite similar, native speakers think “そろそろ電車でんしゃる” is near future than “もうすぐ電車でんしゃる”. Time-wise, “そろそろ電車でんしゃる” is within 5 minutes and “もうすぐ電車でんしゃる” is within 10 to 20 minutes in this time.

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そろそろ彼氏かれしがほしいな。 (It’s about time I got a new boyfriend.) (差不多想交个男友了。) (슬슬 남자 친구 갖고 싶다.) (Cũng đến lúc muốn có bạn trai rồi.) (sorosoro kareshi ga hoshī na.)


そろそろ夏服なつふくいにかないとなー。 (It’s about time to go shopping for a summer outfit.) (差不多得去买些夏装了。) (슬슬 여름 옷을 사러 가야겠어.) (Sắp đến lúc phải đi mua quần áo mùa hè rồi.) (sorosoro natsufuku wo kai ni ika naito na-.)


そろそろ旅行りょこう計画けいかくてなきゃ。 (It’s about time I had a plan for the summer.) (差不多该来计划旅行了。) (슬슬 여행 계획을 세워놔야겠어.) (Sắp sửa đến lúc phải lên kế hoạch du lịch rồi.) (sorosoro ryokō no keikaku wo tate nakya.)


そろそろるよ。 (It’ about time to go to bed.) (差不多该睡喽。) (이제 잘거야.) (Tớ đến giờ đi ngủ rồi đấy.) (sorosoro neru yo.)


Soon / Around the corner

“もうすぐ(mōsugu)” is”Soon and Around the corner” and “もうすぐ” means pretty longer future than “そろそろ”. The way to use them is that “もうすぐバスがます。(The bus will come here soon.)” and time-wise, it will take 10 to 20 minutes. And “そろそろバスがます。(It’s about time the bus came here.)” and time-wise 5 to 10 minutes. Next, what is the difference between “もうすぐます” and “そろそろます?”, “もうすぐます” is that a person will go to bed within 1 hour, and “そろそろます” is that he/she will go to bed within 30 minutes. Again it depends on people feel the length of time though.



もうすぐじゃん! (It’s just around the corner!) (不就快了吗!) (곧이잖아!) (Sắp rồi còn gì!) (mōsugu jan!)


もうすぐはるだね! (Spring is coming, isn’t it?) (春天快到了!) (이제 곧 봄이네!) (Sắp đến mùa xuân đến nơi rồi nhỉ!) (mōsugu haru dane!)


もうすぐはじまるよー! (It will start soon.) (很快就要开始了!) (이제 곧 시작해요-!) (Sắp bắt đầu ngay rồi đấy!) (mōsugu hajimaru yo-!)


もうすぐ22歳にじゅうにさいになります。 (I’ll be turning soon.) (快要22岁了。) (이제 곧 22살이 됩니다.) (Tớ sắp sửa tròn 22 tuổi rồi.) (mōsugu nijūni sai ni nari masu.)

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