The Minimalist Guide to サラリーマン and OL
There’s absolutely no doubt that white-collar workers who are called “サラリーマン” which most Japanese think this word should be English because they think サラリーマン means “salary-man”. So I’d say a bunch of Japanese may often use both words of サラリーマン and OL for you guys as the words in English. So some people may be complicated about them, first of all, and you might want to know them because we often talk about our job after being friends, don’t we? I hope that after reading this article, you could easily figure it out even if natives say サラリーマン and OL.
[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] サラリーマン (sarari-man) / OL (o-eru)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”arrow-right-2″ wrap=”span”] White-collar worker / Office worker / Nine-to-fiver / Businessperson / Businessman (only for サラリーマン) / Businesswoman (only for OL)
Refers to employees whose job entails, largely or entirely, mental or clerical work, such as in an office. Most employees in the workforce are either considered blue who are basically called 肉体労働者 or 土木作業員 or white collar workers who are called サラリーマン for men and OL for women. While blue-collar workers typically perform manual labor for an hourly wage, white collar workers are typically paid a salary and are almost always college educated or highly skilled in their fields. White collar workers often wear dress shirts or suits and work at offices or schools in managerial or professional positions.
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仕事何してるの? (What do you do?) (你在做什么工作) (직업이 뭐야?) (Cậu đang làm công việc gì?)
[voice icon=”” name=”たつや” type=”r icon_blue” sample”]
サラリーマンだよ。 (I’m a white-collar worker.) (我是上班族。) (샐러리맨이야.) (Tớ đang làm nhân viên công ty.)
[wp-svg-icons icon=”headphones” wrap=”i”] LISTENING COURSE Sample [wp-svg-icons icon=”headphones” wrap=”i”]
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[voice icon=”” name=”ゆか” type=”l icon_red” sample”]
お仕事は何ですか? (What do you do for living?) (你的工作是什么?) (직업이 뭐예요?) (Công việc của cậu là gì?)
[voice icon=”” name=”たつや” type=”r icon_blue” sample”]
普通のサラリーマンですよ。 (I’m just an ordinary office worker.) (我普通的工薪阶层哦。) (평범한 샐러리맨이에요.) (Tớ là nhân viên công ty thông thường thôi.)
[voice icon=”” name=”たつや” type=”l icon_blue” sample”]
仕事何してるの? (What’s your job?) (你是做什么工作的。) (직업이 뭐야?) (Cậu làm công việc gì đấy?)
[voice icon=”” name=”ゆか” type=”r icon_red” sample”]
OLだよ。 (I’m a businesswoman.) (我是白领。) (OL이야.) (nhân viên nữ văn phòng.)
[voice icon=”” name=”たつや” type=”l icon_blue” sample”]
妹は何の仕事してるの? (What does your younger sister do?) (你妹妹在做什么工作?) (여동생은 어떤 일 하고 있어?) (Em gái cậu đang làm việc gì?)
[voice icon=”” name=”ゆか” type=”r icon_red” sample”]
1年位OLしてるよ。 (She’s been a nine-to-fiver for about a year.) (我做白领工作大约一年了。) (OL된 지 1년 정도 됐어.) (nữ nhân viên văn phòng khoảng 1 năm.)
[voice icon=”” name=”たつや” type=”l icon_blue” sample”]
日本人の90%以上はサラリーマンなんだってー。 (More than 90% of Japanese are white-collar workers.) (超过90%的日本人是上班族。) (일본인의 90% 이상은 샐러리맨이래.) (Người ta bảo rằng hơn 90% người Nhật làm nhân viên công ty đấy.)
[voice icon=”” name=”ゆか” type=”l icon_red” sample”]
日本のOLのイメージってどんなの? (What’s your image of Japanese office workers for women?) (日本OL的形象是什么?) (일본의 OL은 어떤 이미지야?) (nữ nhân viên văn phòng ở Nhật thì kiểu như thế nào nhỉ?)
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