とうぜん vs. あたりまえ: Why Japanese Learners Make Mistakes?


当然とうぜん vs. たりまえ: Why Japanese Learners Make Mistakes?

What is the difference between “たりまえ” and “当然とうぜん“? Did you know how native speakers use “たりまえ” and “当然とうぜん” depending on the situations? After reading this, you would be able to answer about it. Let me introduce how you correctly use たりまえ and 当然とうぜん today!

当然とうぜん (touzen)

Definitely / Of course / That’s totally obvious.

Basically both ”たりまえ” and “当然とうぜん” are used as the same meaning that is “Definitely, Of course, or That’s totally obvious.”, however, “当然とうぜん” is a little bit formal than “たりまえ” for us native Japanese speakers. Although “当然とうぜん” is used as an adverb, a noun and an adjective, “たりまえ” isn’t used as the adverb. So you would be able to say “当然とうぜんわたしおこる。(I definitely get angry.)”, however, you wouldn’t be able to say “たりまえわたしおこる。” which is wrong. I’ve mentioned how to use “たりまえ” below.

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今回こんかい、おまえ練習れんしゅうをさぼっていたから日本代表選手にほんだいひょうえらばれなかったんだよ!当然とうぜんだよ! (I know you’ve been skipping practice nowadays so that’s why you weren’t chosen as a Japanese international this time.) (这次你因為翘掉练习所以才没被选上成为日本国手,这是理所当然的吧。) (이번엔 네가 연습을 게을리했으니까 일본 대표 선수로 뽑히지 않은거야! 당연한거다.) (lần này vì mày lười biếng tập luyện nên đã không được chọn làm tuyển thủ quốc gia Nhật Bản đấy. Cái đó là đương nhiên!)

また、0てんとってしまった・・・当然とうぜん、おかあさんおこるだろーな。 (Well, I’ve got a goose egg again. I think mom will get definitely mad at me.) (又考是0分,妈妈会生气也是理所当然的吧。) (또 0점 맞았다… 엄마 당연히 화내시겠지) (Lại bị 0 điểm rồi… Đương nhiên, mẹ lại cáu cho mà xem…)

みちひろった財布さいふ交番こうばんとどけろよ!当然とうぜんだろ! (Take the wallet picked up on the street to a police box! That’s totally obvious!) (把在路上捡到的钱包交给警察局,这是理所当然的事情吧。) (길에서 주운 지갑은 경찰서에 갖다줘야지! 당연한거 아니야!) (Hãy nộp chiếc ví đã nhặt được trên đường vào đồn cảnh sát nhé! Đương nhiên mà đúng không!)

たりまえ (atarimae)

Naturally / Commonly / That’s obvious.

Again, basically “たりまえ” and “当然とうぜん” has been used as the same meaning. However, “当然とうぜん” is used as a little bit formal and stronger and the usage of them is different. You would be able to say “当然とうぜんわたしおこる。(I definitely get angry.)”, however, you wouldn’t be able to say “たりまえわたしおこる。” which is wrong. If you want to use たりまえ in this case, you would say “わたしおこるのはたりまえだ。”. And “当然とうぜん今日きょうぼくのおごりだよ。(It’s only natural that I’ll treat you today.)” is correct, “たりまえ今日きょうぼくのおごりだよ。” is wrong. Lastly, “当然とうぜんだよ!(That’s totally obvious!)” sounds a little bit stronger than “たりまえだよ!(That’s obvious!)”.


えっ?ラーメンとごはんのわせ?おれ実家じっかならたりまえだけどー・・・ (What? A consignation of ramen and rice? which comb is only natural in my parents’ house.) (哎,但是在我家把白饭和拉麵搭配在一起是很理所当然的事情…) (아~ 라면과 밥의 조합은 우리집이라면 당연한 거지만…) (Ớ, trộn cơm kết hợp với mỳ, ở nhà tớ đó là chuyện đương nhiên nhưng…)

試験前しけんまえなのにたりまえのように毎日まいにち12時間位寝じかんくらいねてるよね?試験しけん大丈夫だいじょうぶなの? (You’ve been sleeping about 12 hours every day even before the exam like it’s common, haven’t you? Did you prepared for it?) (明明要考试了,你却像理所当然的每天睡12个小时,你确定你考试没问题?) (시험 전인데 당연하듯 매일 12 시간 씩 자고있지? 시험 괜찮은거야?) (Trước kỳ thi mà mày cứ ngủ một ngày 12 tiếng như đúng rồi ý nhỉ? Kỳ thi có ổn không đấy?)

いやいや、二日前ふつかまえ一昨日おとといってたりまえじゃね? (Not really. Isn’t it obvious that 2 days ago is the day before yesterday?) (不对不对,两天前不是理所当然地就叫做前天吗?) (아니, 이틀 전은 그저께인거 당연하지 않아?) (Không không, hai ngày trước không thể đương nhiên là ngày hôm kia được.)

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