What’s the Difference Between “zehi”, “mochiron”, and “zettai”?


What’s the Difference Between “zehi”, “mochiron”, and “zettai”?

Did you know what the difference between 是非ぜひ(zehi), もちろん(mochiron) and 絶対ぜったい(zettai)? These words might have been confused. But don’t worry about that. You will be using these words after reading this. Let me introduce how you correctly use them today!

是非ぜひ ___ してください (zehi___shite kudasai)

Please ___

是非ぜひ ___ してください(zehi___shite kudasai)” means “Please ___” and which you hope someone does what you want him/her to do, however, you don’t force them to do that.

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是非ぜひてくださいね。 (Please come!) (请一定要来哦。) (꼭 와주세요.) (Cậu nhất định phải đến đấy.) (zehi kite kudasai ne.)

是非ぜひってください! (Please stop by my house.) (请一定要顺路过来看看。) (꼭 들러주세요!) (Bạn nhớ ghé qua nhé!) (zehi tachi yotte kudasai!)

ぜひ参加さんかしてくださいね。 (Please join us!) (请一定要参加哦。) (꼭 참가해주세요.) (Nhất định phải tham gia nhé.) (zehi sanka shite kudasai ne.)

もちろん ___ (出来でき)ます (mochiron___deki masu)

Of course, you can ___

“もちろん ___ (出来でき)ます(mochiron___deki masu)” means “Of course, you can do ___” and which you inform someone to do something. When putting the word of “もちろん” before “(出来でき)ます”, that would be emphasized.


もちろん、あなたもれますよ。 (Of course, you can come!) (你当然也可以来啊。) (물론, 당신도 올 수 있어요.) (Tất nhiên rồi bạn cũng được đến mà.) (mochiron, anata mo kore masu yo.)

もちろん、あなたもれますよ! (Of course, you can stop by my house.) (当然你也可以顺路来看看!) (물론, 당신도 들를 수 있어요!) (Tất nhiên là bạn cũng có thể ghé qua rồi.) (mochiron, anata mo tachiyore masu yo!)

もちろん、あなたも参加さんか出来できます。 (Of course, you can join.) (当然你也可以加入。) (물론, 당신도 참가 할 수 있습니다.) (Tất nhiên là bạn cũng có thể tham gia.) (mochiron, anata mo sanka deki masu.)

絶対ぜったい ___ してください (zettai___shite kudasai)

Don’t forget to ___ / Be sure to ___ / You must do ___

絶対ぜったい ___ してください(zettai___shite kudasai)” means “Don’t forget to ___ / Be sure to ___ / You must do ___” and which you force someone what you want them to do. So, this is a quite strong word than “是非ぜひ ___ してください”.


絶対ぜったいてください。 (Don’t forget to come!) (请一定要来。) (꼭 와주세요.) (Nhớ phải đến nha!) (zettai, kite kudasai.)

絶対ぜったいってください! (Don’t forget to stop by my house.) (请一定要过来看看。) (꼭 들러주세요!) (Nhớ phải ghé qua đó!) (zettai, tachi yotte kudasai!)

絶対ぜったい参加さんかしてください。 (Be sure to join us!) (请务必参加。) (꼭 참가해주세요.) (Nhớ phải tham gia đó!) (zettai, sanka shite kudasai.)

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