くださいませんか vs. いただけませんか: What is The Difference?


くださいませんか vs. いただけませんか: What is The Difference?

What is the difference between “くださいませんか(kudasai masen ka) and いただけませんか(itadake masen ka)”? Which could You use in going out? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!

くださいませんか (kudasai masen ka) / いただけませんか (itadake masen ka)

Could(Would) you please / 您能…吗, 你愿意吗? / 해주지 않겠습니까, 해주시겠습니까 / (làm gì) giúp tôi, cho tôi được không?

“くださいませんか(kudasai masen ka) and いただけませんか(itadake masen ka)” mean “Could(Would) you please” and which has been used as the meaning of “polite ways to ask someone to do something”. The basic way to use it is “___(verb)してくださいませんか?” and “___(verb)していただけませんか?”, etc. For instance, “ドアをめてくださいませんか?(Would you please close the door?) and “えきへのかたおしえていただけませんか?(Could you please tell me how to get to the station?)”, etc. The tips for using these are that “くださいませんか and いただけませんか” are the same meaning and the usage as well. So, you would also say, “ドアをめていただけませんか?” instead of “ドアをめてくださいませんか?” and “えきへのかたおしえてくださいませんか?” instead of “えきへのかたおしえていただけませんか?”.

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However, “いただけませんか” is a little bit polite than “くださいませんか”. That is the difference. Furthermore, “くださいませんか(くださる)” is used as a respectful language which is called “Sonkeigo”, and “いただけませんか(いただく)” is used as a humble language which is called “Kenjougo”. To be accurate, the subject is difference between these such as “かれわたしに___をおしえてくださる” means “HE teaches me___.” and “わたしかれに___をおしえていただいた” means “I am taught by him/her.” that is the second difference. Additionally, native speakers tend to use “___していただけませんか?” when asking someone to do something because it is a little bit polite than “___くださいませんか?”. What you have to figure it out is which polite way to use them is. Lastly, you would be able to use “___してくれない?(Can/Will you ___ ?)” for your friends a person who you get along with such as “塩取しおとってくれない?(Will you pass me the salt?)”. For your best friends or partner, “塩取しおとって。(Pass me the salt.)”.



しおっていただけませんか (Would you pass me the salt, please?) (您能把盐递给我吗?) (소급을 집어주시겠습니까?) (Bạn có thể lấy hộ tôi bình muối được không?) (oshio wo totte itadake masen ka?)


もう一度いちどメールをおくっていただけませんか (Would you send me the email again?) (您能再给我发一次邮件吗?) (다시 메일을 보내주시겠습니까?) (Bạn có thể gửi mail lại cho tôi một lần nữa được không?) (mōichido mēru wo okutteitadake masen ka?)


しおってくださいませんか (Would you pass me the salt, please?) (能把盐递给我吗?) (소금 집어주지 않겠어요?) (Bạn lấy hộ tôi bình muối được không?) (oshio wo tottekudasai masen ka?)


もう一度いちどメールをおくってくださいませんか (Would you send me the email again?) (能再给我发一次邮件吗?) (다시 메일을 보내주지 않겠습니까?) (Bạn gửi mail lại cho tôi một lần nữa được không?) (mōichido mēru wo okuttekudasai masen ka?)


スターバックスへのかたおしえていただけませんか (Could you tell me how to get to the Starbucks?) (您能告诉我怎么去星巴克吗?) (스타벅스 가는 길을 알려주시겠습니까?) (Bạn có thể chỉ tôi cách đi đến Starbucks được không?) (sutābakkusu heno ikikata wo oshieteitadake masen ka?)


明日あした朝8時あさはちじむかえにいただけませんか (Could you mind picking me up at 8 a.m tomorrow?) (您能明天早上8点来接我吗?) (내일 아침 8시에 마중 나와 주시겠습니까?) (Bạn có thể đến đón tôi lúc 8 giờ sáng ngày mai được không?) (ashita no asa hachiji ni mukae ni kiteitadake masen ka?)


スターバックスへのかたおしえてくださいませんか (Could you tell me how to get to the Starbucks?) (能告诉我怎么去星巴克吗?) (스타벅스 가는 길을 알려주지 않겠습니까?) (Bạn chỉ cho tôi cách đi đến Starbucks được không?) (sutābakkusu he no ikikata wo oshiete kudasai masen ka?)


明日あした朝8時あさはちじむかえにくださいませんか (Could you mind picking me up at 8 a.m tomorrow?) (能明天早上8点来接我吗?) (내일 아침 8시에 마중 나와 주지 않겠습니까?) (Bạn đến đón tôi lúc 8 giờ sáng ngày mai được không?) (ashita no asa hachiji ni mukae ni kite kudasai masen ka?)

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