You Will Be Able To Use “That’s too bad.” in Japanese in 10 Seconds.


You Will Be Able To Use “That’s too bad.” in Japanese in 10 Seconds.

We sometimes use “That’s too bad.” in our lives and with our relationships. Did you know how to use that? It is “残念ざんねんですね” which is the helpful word for you to fluently communicate with native Japanese speakers. When natives say something bad, you could use it. Let me introduce how to use “That’s too bad.” in Japanese for casual and business situations today.

残念ざんねん (zan’nen)

That’s too bad. / It’s a shame. / I’m bummed out. / Unfortunately

When we weren’t able to do what we wanted, native Japanese speakers would say “残念ざんねん(zan’nen)” means “That’s too bad. / It’s a shame. / I’m bummed out.”. In casual, you could say 残念ざんねんっ stands for 残念ざんねんです, 残念ざんねんっす for teenagers instead of 残念ざんねんです, 残念ざんねんだねー means “It’s a shame” with a light feeling, 残念ざんねんすぎるっ means “That’s Toooo bad” or マジ残念ざんねん means also “That’s Toooo bad”. “残念ざんねんですが_____です。” which means “Unfortunately ______” is a little bit stiff in a daily conversation, so you would be able to use “残念ざんねんですが_____です。” for a writing word or to your boss.

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ええー、残念ざんねん映画館えいがかんくのたのしみにしてたのにー。 (Oh, that’s too bad! I was looking forward to going the movie theatre.) (好吧,真可惜! 我原本很期待去看电影的说。) (와- 아까워! 영화관 가는 걸 엄청 기대하고 있었는데…) (Ơ, tiếc thật! Tớ đã háo hức được đi xem phim mà.) (e-, zan’nen! eigakan ni iku no tanoshimi ni shi teta no ni-.)

そうか、それは残念ざんねんだね。 (Well, that’s a shame.) (嗯,那真的很可惜呢。) (아.. 그렇구나.. 그건 좀 아깝네.) (Vậy à, tiếc quá ha.) (sō ka, sore wa zan’nen dane.)

そんなに残念ざんねんがらないで!またつぎがあるよ! (Don’t get so bummed out! There’s always next time, you know.) (不要那么后悔嘛! 还有下一次!) (그렇게 아쉬워하지 마! 다음에 가면 되지!) (Đừng thất vọng quá thế! Vẫn còn lần sau mà!) (son’nani zan’nen garanaide! mata tsugi ga aru yo!)

空手からて試合しあいけちゃって、マジ残念ざんねんだったな。 (I’m so bummed out that I lost the Karate game.) (空手道比赛输了,真的很惋惜啊。) (가라데 시합에서 져버려서, 정말 아쉬웠어.) (Tớ đã thua trong trận đấu karate mất rồi, tiếc chết đi được.) (karate no shiai ni make chatte, maji zan’nen datta na.)

残念ざんねん (I’m bummed out.) (很遗憾。) (아… 아깝다.) (Tiếc thật.) (zan’nen.)

チケットがえなくて残念ざんねんだったなー。 (It’s a shame that we weren’t able to buy the tickets.) (很可惜买不到门票啊。) (티켓 못 사서 너무 아쉽다.) (Không mua được vé tiếc quá à.) (chiketto ga kaenakute zan’nen datta na-.)

えー、それは残念ざんねんだね。 (Oh, that’s a shame.) (嗯,这很可惜。) (와.. 그건 아쉽다…) (Ủ ôi, đúng là đáng tiếc thật.) (e-, sore wa zan’nen dane.)

残念ざんねんですが、今日きょうけないです。 (Unfortunately, I can’t make it.) (对不起,我今天不能去。) (아쉽지만, 오늘은 못 가요.) (Thật tiếc quá nhưng hôm nay tôi không thể đi được.) (zan’nen desu ga, kyō wa ikenai desu.)

昨日きのう彼女かのじょおそくまではたらかないといけなかったから、えなかったんだ。 (I couldn’t see my girlfriend yesterday because she had to work late.) (昨天没法见面,因为她必须工作到很晚。) (내일은 여자친구가 늦게까지 일해야 한다고 해서, 못 만났어.) (Hôm qua bạn gái tớ phải làm việc đến khuya nên chúng tớ không gặp nhau được.) (kinō wa kanojo ga osoku made hatarakanaito ikenakatta kara, aenakatta nda.)

んー、それは残念ざんねんだったね。 (Oh, that’s too bad.) (嗯,这太遗憾了。) (음.. 그건 좀 아깝네.) (Uhm, cái đó đúng là tiếc thật đấy.) (n-, sore wa zan’nen datta ne.)

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