Creative Ways To Correctly Use “sakarau”, “tatetsuku” and “oshikiru”


Creative Ways To Correctly Use “sakarau”, “tatetsuku” and “oshikiru”

Did you know what the meaning of “さからう(sakarau), 楯突たてつく(tatetsuku) and る(oshikiru)” is? They sound quite similar, however native speakers use them depending on the situation. When figuring out what their meaning is, why don’t you use these words to your friends, teachers or even bosses? Let me introduce how you use them depending on the situation, today!

さからう (sakarau)


さからう(sakarau)” means disobey, and basically, someone disobeys people or things. さからう is often used for people that mean your parents, brothers, sisters, school teachers, boss and etc. And さからう is used for things that mean “ながれにさからっておよぐ(to swim against the stream)”, “世間せけん風潮ふうちょうさからう(to swim against the tide) and etc, unlike 楯突たてつく.



社長しゃちょう指示しじさからったことなんて一回いっかいもないよー。 (I have never disobeyed an order from the president.) (一次也没反对过社长的指示。) (사장님 지시를 거스른 적은 한 번도 없어.) (Tôi chưa một lần nào làm trái chỉ thị của giám đốc.) (shachō no shiji ni sakaratta koto nante ikkai mo nai yo-.)


だいきが昨日きのう父親ちちおやさからったみたいだな。 (I’ve heard Daiki disobeyed his father.) (DAIKI昨天似乎和爸爸唱反调。) (다이키, 어제 아버지한테 대든 모양이네.) (Hình như hôm qua Daiki cãi lại bố mình đấy.) (Daiki ga kinō, chichioya ni sakaratta mitai dana.)

楯突たてつく (tatetsuku)

Rebellious / Against

Using “楯突たてつく(tatetsuku)” is the much stronger meaning than using さからう and 楯突たてつく is only used for people or people’s opinions who are especially “powerful” people such as your company’s boss, CEO, police, politician and etc. So, you won’t be able to say “ながれに楯突たてついておよぐ(to swim against the stream)”. Even though both さからう and 楯突たてつく would be able to be used for people, using 楯突たてつく is much stronger. After 楯突たてつく(being rebellious) to your boss, you may have to quite your company, unlike さからう. Only さからう(disobey) to your boss, your salary might go down.



出世しゅっせのために上司じょうし楯突たてつことは、やめたほうがいいんじゃない? (Why don’t you stop being rebellious against your boss for promoting?) (为了职业前途,以后还是不要顶撞上司了吧!) (출세를 위해 상사에게 반항하는 행동은 그만 두는 게 좋지 않을까?) (Để có thể thăng tiến tôi nghĩ cậu nên thôi chống lại cấp trên đi?) (shusse no tame ni jōshi ni tatetsuku koto wa, yameta hō ga ī n janai?)


楯突たてつあとこわいんじゃない? (Aren’t you afraid what he/she might do in return after being rebellious?) (顶撞上司之后不会后怕吗?) (반항하면 그 후가 무섭지 않을까?) (Chống đối xong sau đó chẳng phải rất đáng sợ sao?) (tatetsuku to ato ga kowai n janai?)

る (oshikiru)


る(oshikiru)” means that someone insists on his/her on his/her way which he/she decided. He/she might not have disobeyed people or people’s opinions or he/she didn’t want to disobey people however what he/she decided looked he/she disobeyed people or people’s opinions as a result such as to get married someone who his/her parents hate. In this case, the proper word is る. That is not さからう and 楯突たてつく.



ってる?あおいちゃんのおねえちゃんが、反対はんたいって結婚けっこんするんだって。 (You know what? Aoi-chan’s sister insists on her own way and will get married.) (你知道吗? Aoi的姐姐不顾大家的反对结婚了。) (그거 알아? 아오이네 언니, 반대를 무릅쓰고 결혼한대.) (Nghe gì chưa? Chị gái Aoi đã bất chấp sự phản đối để kết hôn đó.) (shitteru? Aoi-chan no onēchan ga, hantai wo oshikitte kekkon suru n datte.)


ったなー。 (He/she insists on his/her idea.) (硬干到底啊。) (밀어붙였구나.) (Bất chấp nhỉ.) (oshikitta na-.)

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