Did You Know Other Meaning of さくさくJapanese Use?


Did You Know Other Meaning of さくさくJapanese Use?

I’d say basically さくさく(saku-saku) is used for food, however, it has another meaning except for food and which is quite often used as native speakers. After reading this, you would be able to figure out all of the ways to use さくさく. Let me introduce how you use the double meaning of さくさく today!

さくさく(saku-saku) for food

Crispy / Light

さくさく for food which means crispy which is used for donut /doughnut, fried chicken, millefeuille, chips, fried prawns and etc. When you emphasize さくさく, it would be さっくさく.

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うわっ、このドーナツすっごくさくさくだね!! (Wow, this donut /doughnut is so crispy!!) (哇,这个甜甜圈好松脆!) (우와, 이 도너츠 엄청 바삭하다!!) (Wow, cái bánh Donut này thật là giòn!)


外側そとがわはかなりサクサクですね。 (It’s very crispy outside.) (外层相当酥脆。) (표면은 상당히 바삭하네요.) (Vỏ ngoài giòn thật đấy nhỉ.)


さっくさくのからあげべたいなー。 (I wanna eat super crispy fried chicken.) (我想吃香喷喷的米饭。) (바삭바삭한 튀김을 먹고 싶어.) (Muốn ăn món gà rán giòn tan quá đi.)

さくさく (saku-saku) except for food

Smoothly / Without stress / Promptly

Using さくさく with things except for food such as doing something efficiently, promptly with good conditions. For example ほんをさくさくむ (To smoothly read a book), パソコンがさくさくうごく(A computer runs smoothly.) and so on.



さくさくはなしすすんでいくね。 (The story goes smoothly.) (这个故事还在不断继续。) (척척 얘기가 진행되네.) (Câu chuyện diễn tiến thật gọn lẹ ha.)


このパソコンさくさくうごくね。しいなー。 (I can use this computer without stress. I wanna buy it.) (这台电脑很给力呀。 好想要它。) (이 컴퓨터 성능이 좋네. 갖고 싶다.) (Cái máy tính này hoạt động thật trơn tru. Tôi muốn có quá.)


重要じゅうようなプロジェクトなのに、さくさくすすぎじゃない? (This project is so important but they promptly drive it, right?) (这明明是个重要的项目,是不是进行得太顺利了啊?) (중요한 프로젝트인데 너무 척척 진행되는 거 아냐?) (Đây là một dự án quan trọng mà tiến hành có phải hơi gấp quá không?)

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