I’m glad to hear that!:“sore wa yokatta!” Japanese Phrase #189
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それは良かった!(sore wa yokatta)
I’m glad to hear that! / 真是太好了! / 그거 잘됐네! / Vậy thì tốt quá!
When you want to express pleasure at what the speaker has just said, you would be able to use “それは良かった!(sore wa yokatta)” which means “I’m glad to hear that!”. Everybody could use this phrase in daily conversations as casual. The polite way to use it is “それは良かったです。(sore wa yokatta desu)” and which is also used in business situations as formal. Furthermore, native speakers often omit “それは” of “それは良かった!” so that would be “良かった!”.
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Sample 1
うまくやってるよ。 (I’m doing well.) (你做得很好喔。) (잘 하고 있어.) (Tôi đã làm rất tốt đó!.) (umaku yatteru yo.)
良かった! (I’m glad to hear that!) (太好了!) (잘됐네!) (Vậy tốt quá rồi.) (yokatta!)
ゆかは? (What about you, Yuka?) (优香呢?) (유카는?) (Còn Yuka sao nè?) (yuka wa?)
Sample 2
最近日本語が上手くなったね! (Your Japanese got improved recently!) (你的日文最近越来越流利了。) (요즘 일본어 실력 좋아졌네!) (Dạo này tiếng nhật giỏi quá ta.) (saikin nihongo ga umaku natta ne!)
良かったー! (I’m glad to hear that!) (太好了!) (다행이다!) (Vậy thì tốt quá!.) (yokatta-!)
毎日練習してるの? (Are you practicing it every day?) (你每天都在练习吗?) (매일 연습하니?) (Bạn có tập luyện hàng ngày không?) (mainichi renshū shiteru no?)
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