“douyara” vs. “dounika”:How You Should Be Clear These
What is the difference between “どうやら(douyara) and どうにか(dounika)”? Which is used as the meaning of “it seems”? After reading this, you would be answering this question. Let me introduce what their subtle differences are and how you correctly use them such as native speakers today!
どうやら___みたい (douyara mitai)
It seems ____ / 好像 / 아무래도 / Có vẻ như
“どうやら___みたい(douyara mitai)” means “It seems ___” and which has been used as the meaning of “to appear to be”. The basic way to use it is “どうやら___みたい。(It seems ___.)”, etc. For instance, “どうやら彼氏ができたみたい。(It seems like she has a boyfriend.)”, “どうやら本当みたい。(It seems to be true.)”, “どうやら___彼は病気みたい。(It seems that he is sick.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “どうやら___みたい” is used as the meaning of “Although someone is not that sure about something, IT SEEMS ___”. And Native speakers often omit “どうやら___みたい” in daily conversations, so that would be “___みたい”. Even if you are an adult, you would be able to use “___っぽい” as the same meaning of “___みたい” as casual such as “彼氏ができたっぽい。(It seems like she has a boyfriend.)”. Furthermore, “(どうやら)___(の)ようです” is also used as the meaning of “どうやら___みたい” as formal such as “本当のようです。(It seems to be true.)”. Everyone could use “どうやら___みたい” as casual, polite(formal) such as “どうやら彼氏ができたみたいだね。(It seems like she has a boyfriend.)” as casual and “どうやら彼氏ができたみたいです。(It seems like she has a boyfriend.)” as polite(formal). “どうやら彼氏ができたようです。(It seems like she has a boyfriend.)” as formal.
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ミクに彼氏ができたっぽいね。 (It seems like Miku has a boyfriend.) (听说未来好像有男朋友了。) (미쿠에게 남자친구가 생긴 것 같네. ) (Hình như Miku có bạn trai rồi ấy nhỉ.)
そのマイクは壊れてるみたいだね。 (It seems like the mic is broken.) (那个麦克风好像坏了吧。) (그 마이크는 망가진 것 같네.) (Có vẻ như cái míc rô đó đang bị hỏng nhỉ.)
明日は雨になるみたいだよ。 (It seems it’s going to be rainy tomorrow.) (明天好像要下雨呢。) (내일은 비가 올 것 같아.) (Có vẻ như ngày mai sẽ mưa đấy.)
どうやらレイはギャンブルがとても好きみたいです。 (It seems like Rei really likes gambling.) (看来,雷似乎非常喜欢打赌博。) (아무래도 레이는 도박을 굉장히 좋아하는 것 같습니다.) (Dường như Rei có vẻ rất thích chơi cờ bạc.)
どうにか___する (dounika suru)
Manage to ___, Barely ___ / 总算 / 어찌어찌 / Bằng cách nào đó
“どうにか___する (dounika suru)” means “Manage to do ___/ Barely ___” and which has been used as the meaning of “to succeed in doing or dealing with something, especially something difficult”. The basic way to use it is “私はどうにか___する。(I manage to/barely do ___.)”, etc. For instance, “私はどうにかできた。(I barely did it.)”, “私はどうにか日本語を話すことができた。(I managed to speak Japanese.), “私はどうにか時間通りに仕事を終わらせた。(I managed to finish the work on time.)”, etc. The tips for using it are that “どうにか___する” is used as the meaning of “someone CAN be done something”, unlike “どうにも”. Everyone could use “どうにか___する” as casual, polite and formal such as “どうにかできたよ。(I barely did it.)” as casual and “どうにかできました。(I barely did it.)” as polite and formal.
仕事終わった? (Have you finished your work?) (下班了吗?) (일 끝났어?) (Bạn đã hoàn thành công việc chưa?)
うん。どうにか終わったよ。4時間もかかったよ! (Yeah. I barely finished it. It took for 4 hours!) (嗯。终于下班了。花了4个小时才做完了!) (응, 어찌어찌 끝냈어. 4시간이나 걸렸어!) (Ừ. Bằng cách nào đó cũng làm xong rồi. Mất đến 4 giờ đồng hồ đấy!)
どうにか合格しました。 (I barely passed my test.) (总算通过了。) (간신히 합격했습니다.) (Bằng cách nào đó mà tôi đã thi đậu.)
バスにどうにか間に合ったよ。 (I had just barely enough time to catch the bus.) (总算赶上了公交车。) (버스에 간신히 탔어.) (Bằng cách nào đó mà tôi đã kịp xe buýt đấy.)
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