That would be nice.:”ī desu ne” Japanese Phrase #307


That would be nice.:”ī desu ne” Japanese Phrase #307

Discover a new phrase each day to use in your Japanese! What does “いいですね。(ī desu ne)” mean? Visit daily to learn some popular Japanese phrases on a regular basis!

いいですね。(ī desu ne)

That would be nice. / 好呀。 / 좋네요 / Ý hay đó.

When you want to describe “something is nice.”, you would be able to use “いいですね。(ī desu ne)” which means “That would be nice.”. Everybody could use this in daily conversations as polite and formal and “いいね。(ī ne)” is used as casual.

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Sample 1


ラーメンきませんか? (Why don’t we go to a Ramen restaurant?) (要不要去拉面店呢?) (라면가게 가지 않을래요?) (Tới cửa hàng ramen không?) (rāmen ya ni iki masen ka?)


いいですね。 (That would be nice.) (好呀。) (좋네요) (Nghe hay đấy.) (ī desu ne.)

Sample 2


ラーメンべにかない? (Do you want to go eat Ramen?) (要不要去吃拉面呢?) (라면 먹으러 가지 않을래?) (Đi ăn ramen không?) (rāmen tabe ni ika nai?)


いいね。 (That’s nice.) (好呀。) (좋아.) (Ý hay đó!) (ī ne.)

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